Volkshochschule is the largest continueing education system in Germany, offering courses across disciplines, media and geographies.
The courses are aimed at enriching the lives of people living in Germany, as well as providing job skills training and alternative cultural perspectives.
Since 2019, Peace Paper Project Co-Director Drew Matott and Fine Artist Jana Schumacher have offered a series of courses that bring the motivation, practice and vision of Peace Paper to the people of Hamburg.
These classes are taught in English and German.
January 11: Blockdruck - Kreatives Gestalten mit Linoleum - Full
April 5: Basics of bookbinding - Buchbinden auf Englisch - Full
April 6: Blockdruck - Kreatives Gestalten mit Linoleum - Full
April 12: Die Kunst des Papierschöpfens - Full
April 13: Blockdruck - Kreatives Gestalten mit Linoleum - Full
April 26: Basics of Bookbinding - Buchbinden auf Englisch - Full
April 27: DIY: Papierherstellung für zu Hause - Full
May 10: Die Kunst des Papierschöpfens weltweit: Teil 1: Chinesische, japanische und nepalesische Papierherstellung - Full
May 11: Die Kunst des Papierschöpfens weltweit: Teil 2: Arabische, europäische und zeitgenössische Papierherstellung - Full
May 17: Blockdruck - Kreatives Gestalten mit Linoleum - Full
May 18: DIY: Papierherstellung für zu Hause - Full
July 26: Basics of bookbinding - Buchbinden auf Englisch
July 27: DIY: Papierherstellung für zu Hause
August 2: Die Kunst des Papierschöpfens weltweit: Teil 1: Chinesische, japanische und nepalesische Papierherstellung
August 3: Die Kunst des Papierschöpfens weltweit: Teil 2: Arabische, europäische und zeitgenössische Papierherstellung
August 9: Die Kunst des Papierschöpfens Teil 1: buntes Papier im Kleinformat
August 10: Die Kunst des Papierschöpfens Teil 2: buntes Papier im Großformat
August 16: Blockdruck - Kreatives Gestalten mit Linoleum
August 17: Basics of bookbinding - Buchbinden auf Englisch
September 13: Die Kunst des Papierschöpfens weltweit: Teil 1: Chinesische, japanische und nepalesische Papierherstellung
September 14: Die Kunst des Papierschöpfens weltweit: Teil 2: Arabische, europäische und zeitgenössische Papierherstellung
September 20: Blockdruck - Kreatives Gestalten mit Linoleum
November 15: Basics of bookbinding - Buchbinden auf Englisch
November 16: DIY: Papierherstellung für zu Hause
November 22: Die Kunst des Papierschöpfens weltweit: Teil 1: Chinesische, japanische und nepalesische Papierherstellung
November 23: Die Kunst des Papierschöpfens weltweit: Teil 2: Arabische, europäische und zeitgenössische Papierherstellung
November 29: Die Kunst des Papierschöpfens Teil 1: buntes Papier im Kleinformat
November 30: Die Kunst des Papierschöpfens Teil 2: buntes Papier im Großformat
December 6: Blockdruck - Kreatives Gestalten mit Linoleum
December 7: Basics of bookbinding - Buchbinden auf Englisch
Zó Project is situated in the capital city of Vietnam and is operated by Phố Trích Sài & Thảo Nguyên. The team work to preserve, support and expand upon Vietnamese traditional papermaking techniques.
Drew & Jana will spend two weeks in Vietnam, where they will learn about the history and practice of traditional Dó papermaking.
Dusit Thani Maldives is located on Mudhdhoo Island, is a first UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve and a world class resort. Dusit Thani is dedicated to raising awareness about sustainability and reuse practices through offering a variety of programs for guests and local residents.
It is the only location of papermaking in the Republic of Maldives where waste-paper and local flora are hand processed into beautiful sheets of paper art.
As part of plans for a longer term pedal-powered community papermaking program on Mudhdhoo Island in 2026, Peace Paper Project facilitators Drew & Jana will deliver tools, resources & materials to help fine-tune the papermaking at Dusit Thani.
Zayed University was founded in 1988 and named after the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. Through its undergraduate and graduate programs, Zayed University is known for its pioneering and innovative research.
In 2024, Zayed University launched a program using agricultural waste to make paper.
The program was inspired by Fresh Press, initiated by Steve Kostell and Eric Benson at the University of Illinois in 2011. Zayed University's program is loosly termed Fresh Press-Emirates and merges the resources from the agricultural and art & design schools.
Peace Paper Project will conduct a series of papermaking workshops and Hollander beater trainings with students & staff at Zayed University.
Ukraina Maja unites the Ukrainian community in Tartu to create connections between Estonians and Ukrainians.
The organisation coordinates cultural and social initiatives aimed at supporting Ukraine and Ukrainians in Estonia. It was founded by Alina Paas, Olena Solohub and Anna Sumyk in 2022.
In collaboration with the Ukraina Maja, Peace Paper Project facilitator Drew Matott will conduct a series of papermaking workshops with Ukrainian families. The program will culminate with an evening emroidery workshop led by artist & instructor Alina Paas.
The Museum der Arbeit (Hamburg Museum of Work) is located in Hamburg-Barmbek and focuses on the changes in work and living during the last 150 years.
It examines and displays the social cultural and economic effects of industrialisation. Among its numerous exhibitions, it has a series of working printmaking studios.
These studios are used by artists, staff and are open for community use.
The museum joins institutions and studios across Europe to showcase & celebrate printmaking through Tag der Druckkunst.
The annual program has been honored as Immaterial Heritage (UNESCO).
Drew Matott will engage museum and festival goers in an interactive Pulp Printing action.
The Museum of Literature and Printing was founded in 2004 in Grębocin. It features remarkable private collections related to papermaking and printing that are presented to the public through interactive educational workshops.
Peace Paper Project collaborating artists and workshop facilitator Drew Matott return to Grębocin, Poland to meet with museum staff to discuss a teaching residency.
The residency consists of a one-month collaborative workshop with fine art faculty from universities in Poland, Belarus & Ukraine.
Participants in the workshop will learn the fundamentals of traditional papermaking while pursuing experimental applications of the paper arts.
The Jesse Brown VA Medical Center provides primary care and specialty health services, including complementary and alternative medicine, mental health care, vision care, pharmacy services, rehabilitation services, oncology, and recreational therapy.
Peace Paper Projet will conduct a five-day Veteran Paper Workshop with In-patient and out-patient recreation therapy groups.
West Haven VA Medical Center provides primary care and specialty health services, including mental health services, cancer treatment, palliative and hospice care, physical therapy and rehabilitation, and recreation therapy.
Peace Paper Projet will conduct a five-day Veteran Paper Workshop with In-patient and out-patient recreation therapy groups.
The Road Home Program provides mental health care and wellness to veterans of all eras, service members and their families at no cost and regardless of discharge status.
Chicago-based Peace Paper Project facilitators and Drew Matott will join forces with the Art Therapy staff at Road Home Program to conduct five-days of art therapy papermaking workshops for veterans and their families at the Rush Medical Center in Chicago.
Gonzaga University is a private Jesuit university in Spokane, Washington. It is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.
Founded in 1887 by Joseph Cataldo, an Italian-born priest and Jesuit missionary, the university is named after the young Jesuit saint Aloysius Gonzaga.
A multi-faceted residency, community workshop & exhibition is being planned.
ABookTailorLab was founded by Andreas Fatouros in 2009 and is a fully equipped papermaking, book art & letterpress studio. Located in the heart of Athens, it is complete with a gallery and extensive paper, typographic & book special collections archive.
Mr. Fatouros has a degree in the Conservation of Library and Archive Material and is a researcher with the focus on the conservation of antiquities and works of art.
Drew Matott & Jana Schumacher will conduct a series of community pulp printing and papermaking workshops at ABookTailorLab.
Peace Paper facilitators and collaborators, Mike Hentz, Jana Schumacher and Drew Matott will join the international gathering of literary, performing & visual artists to celebrate the end of 2023 & beginning of 2024.
The New Years Eve RÉVEILLON, now in its 20th year, takes place atthe Peter Tucholski Haus and is a dynamic convergence of artists and activists,
complete with performances, lectures, presentations and breakout sessions.
Mike, Jana and Drew will present on their recent work, aswell as offer open papermaking, pulp printing and linoleum printmaking.
Im Linolschnitt erarbeitet man aus einer Linoleumplatte eine eigene individuelle Druckvorlage. Dafür können Sie sich an einem Foto oder eigenen Entwürfen orientieren. Mit speziellem Werkzeug wird ein Negativmuster in das Linoleum geschnitten, mit Farbe überwalzt und dann auf Papier gedruckt. Wir verwenden Druckpressen und handgeschöpftes Papier, um fein gedruckte Kunstwerke herzustellen! Bevor es ernst wird, gibt es kurze Übungen und eine Einführung in die Werkzeuge und in die Technik.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
In diesem Kurs verwenden die Schüler traditionelle Papierherstellungstechniken, um ihre persönliche Kleidung in handgeschöpftes Papier zu verwandeln. Der Prozess umfasst das Zerlegen von Kleidung mit einer Schere, das Zerkleinern mit einem Holländer und das Umformen des Zellstoffs zu Papierbögen.
Die Schüler sind eingeladen, ein Kleidungsstück zum Umwandeln mitzubringen. Die Kleidung sollte eine persönliche Bedeutung haben. Eine Hose, ein Hemd, ein Rock, eine Kinderdecke, Stoffwindeln, eine Arbeitsuniform, ein Hochzeitskleid...
Lernen Sie, wie Sie mit Materialien aus Ihrem direkten Umfeld zu Hause Papier herstellen können. In kleinen theroetischen und großen praktischen Einheiten bauen Sie sich Werkzeuge für zu Hause. Und Sie lernen die Grundlagen der Verarbeitung von Blumen, Blättern, pflanzlichen Lebensmittelabfällen, Teebeuteln und Altpapier zu Papierbrei und erstellen daraus neue wunderschöne Papiere.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
Die Kunst der Papierherstellung ist weltweit verbreitet und rund 2000 Jahre alt. Dieser Kurs erkundet die Geschichte der Papierherstellung auf ihrer Reise von China nach Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Thailand und Nepal. Die Schü
ler erlernen kulturspezifische Techniken, indem sie Papierrezepten mit Maulbeer- und Hanffasern folgen.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
Zayed University was founded in 1988 and named after the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. Through its undergraduate and graduate programs, Zayed University is known for its pioneering and innovative research.
In 2024, Zayed University will launch a program using agricultural waste to make paper.
The program was inspired by Fresh Press, initiated by Steve Kostell and Eric Benson at the University of Illinois in 2011. Zayed University's program is loosly termed Fresh Press-Emirates and will merge the resources from the agricultural and art & design schools.
Peace Paper Project will use its portable paper studio to conduct a series of papermaking workshops and trainings with students & staff at Zayed University. The activities will result in an exhibition of paper samples, relief and pulp prints.
This one-day workshop is an introduction to the basics of bookbinding. Using traditional tools and techniques, the participants will make three different book structures: the pamphlet stitch, Japanese stab binding and hardcover multi-signature production binding.
Lernen Sie, wie Sie mit Materialien aus Ihrem direkten Umfeld zu Hause Papier herstellen können. In kleinen theroetischen und großen praktischen Einheiten bauen Sie sich Werkzeuge für zu Hause. Und Sie lernen die Grundlagen der Verarbeitung von Blumen, Blättern, pflanzlichen Lebensmittelabfällen, Teebeuteln und Altpapier zu Papierbrei und erstellen daraus neue wunderschöne Papiere.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
The Atelier-musée de l'Imprimerie (Print-Workshop Museum), located in Le Malesherbois, in France, presents a cultural, social and technical history of printing, from Gutenberg to the development of book publishing, newspaper production, graphism and contemporary industry. This museum, part of the ICOM network, has been recently acknowledged by the designation Musée de France, rewarded by the French Ministery of Culture.
For the Journées Européennes des Métiers d'Arts (European Artistic Craft Days) Drew Matott will install an exhibition of recent paper art and conduct a series of Peace Paper workshops with the community.
This residency is partially funded by a Culture Moves Europe grant.
Im Linolschnitt erarbeitet man aus einer Linoleumplatte eine eigene individuelle Druckvorlage. Dafür können Sie sich an einem Foto oder eigenen Entwürfen orientieren. Mit speziellem Werkzeug wird ein Negativmuster in das Linoleum geschnitten, mit Farbe überwalzt und dann auf Papier gedruckt. Wir verwenden Druckpressen und handgeschöpftes Papier, um fein gedruckte Kunstwerke herzustellen! Bevor es ernst wird, gibt es kurze Übungen und eine Einführung in die Werkzeuge und in die Technik.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
Die Kunst der Papierherstellung ist weltweit verbreitet und rund 2000 Jahre alt. Dieser Kurs erkundet die Geschichte der Papierherstellung auf ihrem Weg von China durch die arabische/muslimische Welt nach Europa und Amerika. Die Schüler folgen traditionellen Papierrezepten und verwenden Zellstoff aus alten Lumpen: Hanf, Leinen, Baumwolle, Jute und Sisal.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
In diesem Kurs verwenden die Schüler traditionelle Papierherstellungstechniken, um ihre persönliche Kleidung in handgeschöpftes Papier zu verwandeln. Der Prozess umfasst das Zerlegen von Kleidung mit einer Schere, das Zerkleinern mit einem Holländer und das Umformen des Zellstoffs zu Papierbögen.
Die Schüler sind eingeladen, ein Kleidungsstück zum Umwandeln mitzubringen. Die Kleidung sollte eine persönliche Bedeutung haben. Eine Hose, ein Hemd, ein Rock, eine Kinderdecke, Stoffwindeln, eine Arbeitsuniform, ein Hochzeitskleid...
The Jesse Brown VA Medical Center provides primary care and specialty health services, including complementary and alternative medicine, mental health care, vision care, pharmacy services, rehabilitation services, oncology, and recreational therapy.
Peace Paper Projet will conduct a five-day Veteran Paper Workshop with In-patient and out-patient recreation therapy groups.
Lernen Sie, wie Sie mit Materialien aus Ihrem direkten Umfeld zu Hause Papier herstellen können. In kleinen theroetischen und großen praktischen Einheiten bauen Sie sich Werkzeuge für zu Hause. Und Sie lernen die Grundlagen der Verarbeitung von Blumen, Blättern, pflanzlichen Lebensmittelabfällen, Teebeuteln und Altpapier zu Papierbrei und erstellen daraus neue wunderschöne Papiere.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
For the sixth time, the museum in the city of Deggendorf is the center of international paper art. Global Paper 6 is a curated and exhibited at the craft museum and the city museum.
Drew Matott's pulp printing on paper made from discarded facemasks was sellected to be included in the exhibition.
Paper Global 6 will open on May 11, 2024 and will be on view until October 2024.
This one-day workshop is an introduction to the basics of bookbinding. Using traditional tools and techniques, the participants will make three different book structures: the pamphlet stitch, Japanese stab binding and hardcover multi-signature production binding.
Kulturagent*innen Hamburg are the special forces for art and culture in schools: Since 2011, they have been supporting Hamburg schools in inventing new formats for their artistic practice and developing an independent cultural profile.
Kulturagent*innen Hamburg connect schools, cultural institutions and artists throughout Hamburg; accompany students, teachers and artists in conception and production; produce festivals, platforms and free spaces for artistic work; reflect on and evaluate processes of cultural education; coach, advise and qualify practitioners from school and culture analogously and digitally.
Through the support of Kulturagent*innen Hamburg, Peace Paper Project will conduct papermaking and bookbinding classes with Otto-Hahn-Schule students.
The Center for Community Engagement at Lewis & Clark Graduate School offers classes, workshops, certificates, and endorsement programs for personal and professional growth.
Gretchen Miller & Drew Matott will teach a one-day credit bearing workshop titled Papermaking as Therapeutic Art and Social Action.
This online and in person workshop introduces practitioners to the qualities of papermaking as a form of social action, therapeutic art, and personal voice.
Attendees will experience the papermaking process and
participate in learning different papermaking techniques, methods, and approaches applicable to therapeutic and
social practice.
Using hands-on demonstration, experiential art experiences, discussion and didactic presentation, this
hybrid course explores how papermaking can be used with multiple populations and settings from a trauma-informed,
community-based, and socially engaged lens.
Ukraina Maja unites the Ukrainian community in Tartu to create connections between Estonians and Ukrainians.
The organisation coordinates cultural and social initiatives aimed at supporting Ukraine and Ukrainians in Estonia. It was founded by Alina Paas, Olena Solohub and Anna Sumyk in 2022.
In collaboration with the Ukraina Maja, Peace Paper Project facilitators Drew Matott & Joseph Lappie will conduct a bookbinding workshop with Ukrainian families.
As part of Association of European Printing Museums' annual conference:
Printing Museums and the Arts of Survival, Peace Paper Project facilitators Drew Matott and Joseph Lappie will be assisting TYPA staff in hosting the different activities.
JoCAT is a peer-reviewed publication in association with the School of Social Sciences, Western Sydney University. Keisha Rheinberger authors a comprehensive book review of The Art & Art Therapy of Papermaking.
Hand Papermaking, Inc. was founded by Amanda Degener and Michael Durgin in 1986. The organisation is committed to promoting hand papermaking practices and community through its quartly publication of Hand Papermaking Magazine.
Through the years, Hand Papermaking, Inc Co-founder Michael Durgin has always been an ardent supporter of the Peace Paper Project. He has written a review of The Art & Art Therapy of Papermaking for the summer publication of Hand Papermaking Magazine.
As part of an international exchange organised by Hamburg-based arts organisation Meet Frida, Peace Paper Project facilitator Jana Schumacher will be an artist-in-residence. Drew Matott will tag along with the portable paper studio, making a series of pulp paitnings from donkey manure.
Peace Paper Project collaborator, workshop facilitator, printmaker & papermaker Patrick Sargent leads a papermaking workshop at the American Legion Post 139.
The workshop will deconstruct military uniforms and American flags as a means to express military service and our collective responsibility to recognise the unique, and often challenging, transition from military servce to civilian life.
This one-day workshop is an introduction to the basics of bookbinding. Using traditional tools and techniques, the participants will make three different book structures: the pamphlet stitch, Japanese stab binding and hardcover multi-signature production binding.
Die Kunst der Papierherstellung ist weltweit verbreitet und rund 2000 Jahre alt. Dieser Kurs erkundet die Geschichte der Papierherstellung auf ihrer Reise von China nach Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Thailand und Nepal. Die Schü
ler erlernen kulturspezifische Techniken, indem sie Papierrezepten mit Maulbeer- und Hanffasern folgen.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
Im Linolschnitt erarbeitet man aus einer Linoleumplatte eine eigene individuelle Druckvorlage. Dafür können Sie sich an einem Foto oder eigenen Entwürfen orientieren. Mit speziellem Werkzeug wird ein Negativmuster in das Linoleum geschnitten, mit Farbe überwalzt und dann auf Papier gedruckt. Wir verwenden Druckpressen und handgeschöpftes Papier, um fein gedruckte Kunstwerke herzustellen! Bevor es ernst wird, gibt es kurze Übungen und eine Einführung in die Werkzeuge und in die Technik.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
Lernen Sie, wie Sie mit Materialien aus Ihrem direkten Umfeld zu Hause Papier herstellen können. In kleinen theroetischen und großen praktischen Einheiten bauen Sie sich Werkzeuge für zu Hause. Und Sie lernen die Grundlagen der Verarbeitung von Blumen, Blättern, pflanzlichen Lebensmittelabfällen, Teebeuteln und Altpapier zu Papierbrei und erstellen daraus neue wunderschöne Papiere.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
In conjunction with the Survival in the 21rst Century Exhibition, Peace Paper Project facilitators Jana Schumacher, Nadar Hamzeh, and Drew Matott team up with Frontline Paper Studio Manager & Lead Instructor Walt Nygard to conduct an interactive paper and printmaking workshop surounding the theme of war and global migration.
Die Kunst der Papierherstellung ist weltweit verbreitet und rund 2000 Jahre alt. Dieser Kurs erkundet die Geschichte der Papierherstellung auf ihrem Weg von China durch die arabische/muslimische Welt nach Europa und Amerika. Die Schüler folgen traditionellen Papierrezepten und verwenden Zellstoff aus alten Lumpen: Hanf, Leinen, Baumwolle, Jute und Sisal.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
This one-day workshop is an introduction to the basics of bookbinding. Using traditional tools and techniques, the participants will make three different book structures: the pamphlet stitch, Japanese stab binding and hardcover multi-signature production binding.
Im Linolschnitt erarbeitet man aus einer Linoleumplatte eine eigene individuelle Druckvorlage. Dafür können Sie sich an einem Foto oder eigenen Entwürfen orientieren. Mit speziellem Werkzeug wird ein Negativmuster in das Linoleum geschnitten, mit Farbe überwalzt und dann auf Papier gedruckt. Wir verwenden Druckpressen und handgeschöpftes Papier, um fein gedruckte Kunstwerke herzustellen! Bevor es ernst wird, gibt es kurze Übungen und eine Einführung in die Werkzeuge und in die Technik.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
In diesem Kurs verwenden die Schüler traditionelle Papierherstellungstechniken, um ihre persönliche Kleidung in handgeschöpftes Papier zu verwandeln. Der Prozess umfasst das Zerlegen von Kleidung mit einer Schere, das Zerkleinern mit einem Holländer und das Umformen des Zellstoffs zu Papierbögen.
Die Schüler sind eingeladen, ein Kleidungsstück zum Umwandeln mitzubringen. Die Kleidung sollte eine persönliche Bedeutung haben. Eine Hose, ein Hemd, ein Rock, eine Kinderdecke, Stoffwindeln, eine Arbeitsuniform, ein Hochzeitskleid...
West Haven VA Medical Center provides primary care and specialty health services, including mental health services, cancer treatment, palliative and hospice care, physical therapy and rehabilitation, and recreation therapy.
Peace Paper Projet will conduct a five-day Veteran Paper Workshop with In-patient and out-patient recreation therapy groups.
The Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling at Albert Magnus College provides a high quality and holistic educational experience.
By combining a deep understanding of art materials, the healing potential of the creative process, and sound psychological theory, students are prepared to succeed in the fields of Art Therapy & Counseling.
Peace Paper Project Co-Director Drew Matott will deliver a lecture on the use of papermaking as a form of socially engaged art practice and Peace Papers' continued collaborations with art therapists throughout the world.
The Road Home Program provides mental health care and wellness to veterans of all eras, service members and their families at no cost and regardless of discharge status.
Chicago-based Peace Paper Project facilitators and Drew Matott will join forces with the Art Therapy staff at Road Home Program to conduct five-days of art therapy papermaking workshops for veterans and their families at the Rush Medical Center in Chicago.
Art Spark Texas regognises that every person has a voice and it deserves to be heard. The Austin-based orgainsation offers programs that enable educational and career success, enhance personal growth, provide support and training to the public, and offer individuals of all ages access to the creative work of people with diverse abilities.
Through regular programs and community initiatives, Art Spark Texas reaches individuals who have difficulty leaving their homes, older adults who are isolated and alone, veterans and their family members, students with Autism and other developmental disabilities, theater-goers who are blind and many more individuals who may be underrepresented or overlooked.
Art Spark Texas hosts Peace Paper Project for a series of Veteran Paper Workshops and papermaking as art therapy & personal expression workshops.
St. Ambrose University is a private Catholic university in Davenport, Iowa. It was founded as a school of commerce in 1882 and today offers more than 60 undergraduate majors, ten masters degrees, and three doctoral programs.
Peace Paper Project facilitators Jana Schumacher & Drew Matott will deliver a lecture about their ongoing work with displaced Ukrainian families throughout Europe.
Chalmers P. Wylie Veterans Outpatient Clinic provides primary care and specialty health services, including mental health care, women's health services, prosthetics, foot care, treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), prescriptions, pain management, and recreational therapy
Peace Paper Projet will conduct a three-day Veteran Paper Workshop with out-patient recreation therapy groups.
The Pittsburgh VA Hospital is among the most innovative and forward-looking in the nation, it provides exceptional health care to United States Veterans, trains America's future health care providers, and conducts research that contributes to medical advancements.
In direct line with it's dedication to being leaders in the health care services, the Pittsburgh VA hospital is the first VA Hospital to purchase a full portable paper studio. The studio will be used to service patients throughout the three different VA hospital locations in Pittsburgh.
Peace Paper Project Director Drew Matott is pleased to have had the honor to serve as a consultant over the last two years, assisting with the procurement of tools & equipment, as well as helping design programs. He will travel to Pittsburgh to conduct a series of training workshops with recreation therapy staff.
Oberlin College Book Studies Program allows students a wide variety of courses that drawing from both western and non-western traditions, and incorporate both cultural history and artisanal practice.
The program is complete with letterpress printing, bookbinding & hand papermaking studios.
Peace Paper Project will conduct an interactive papermaking program with the Oberlin College Book Studies community. The workshop will be followed by a lecture on the history Peace Paper and recent international work using the book arts as a form of socially enagged art practice and art therapy.
The American Art Therapy Association (AATA) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, non-partisan, professional, and educational organization dedicated to the growth and development of the art therapy profession. Founded in 1969, the American Art Therapy Association is one of the world's leading art therapy membership organizations.
As part of this years annual conference Peace Paper Project Co-Director Gretchen Miller & collaborator Denise Wolf will conduct a day-long papermaking workshop titled Hand Papermaking for Professional Practice: Pulp, Press, & Play.
The American Art Therapy Association (AATA) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, non-partisan, professional, and educational organization dedicated to the growth and development of the art therapy profession. Founded in 1969, the American Art Therapy Association is one of the world's leading art therapy membership organizations.
As part of this years annual conference Peace Paper Project Co-Directors Gretchen Miller & Drew Matott will engage with conference goers in papermaking activities, raising awareness of the use of papermaking in clinical art therapy settings.
The Seaway House is a clubhouse based on the emerging concepts of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, promoting individual recovery through the process of skill development. It has developed into a program that encourages independence, hope, empowerment, and choice. It's staff & members are committed to promoting the rights of members and eliminating the barriers which separate persons living with mental illness from their neighbors.
Peace Paper Project returns to the Seaway House for the eleventh year to conduct a day of papermaking activities. Members of the Seaway House will be able to create expressive pulp paintings using paper made from old rags gathered from the community.
The Care Card project is operated by the Institute of Developing Employment of Budapest Esély in Hungary. Their aim is providing occupational rehabilitation and income generating opportunity for people living with psycho-social difficulties and/or intellectual disabilities. Also a significant intent of their work is to help eliminate the public stigma of mental illness.
The project produces basic paper products and collaborates with local brands, offering alternate paper material for different packaging solutions. The studio mainly recycles paper waste from its offices but beyond that uses textile and plants with traditional techniques of papermaking which is suitable for developing cognitive competence of their clients.
Drew Matott returns to Budapest to conduct a pedal powered pulp printing workshop.
The visitation is part of Beyond Paper - Exhibition of the Budapest Esély Paper Making Studio.
The traditional technique of paper making is not only a creative and artistic process but can also serve as a therapeutic tool.
This activity helps individuals with psycho-social disorders or integration difficulties at the Budapest Esély rehabilitation center to express themselves and improve their mental well-being.
Our exhibition, with the collaboration of renowned artists and experts, provides insight into the therapeutic processes and offers creators the opportunity to share their works with the community.
Alongside Care Card clients, renowned visual artists will support the exhibition with interesting experiments and creative installations.
Inclueding the following artists: Eszter Metzing, Eged Eniko, and Kamilla Hu-Yung.
The American Art Therapy Association (AATA) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, non-partisan, professional, and educational organization dedicated to the growth and development of the art therapy profession. Founded in 1969, the American Art Therapy Association is one of the world's leading art therapy membership organizations.
As part of this years virtual conference Peace Paper Project Co-Director Gretchen Miller & workshop facilitators Dr. Annie McFarland and Dr. Mededith McMackin will conduct a panel discussion titled Papermaking as Art Therapy to Address Trauma and Loss.
Peace Paper Co-Director Gretchen Miller and long-time collaborator Denise Wolf conduct a Radical Papermaking workshop.
This workshop explores implementing papermaking for use with individuals and groups in the treatment of trauma.
Overarching goals include presenting non-traditional adaptations and methods to papermaking through didactic and experiential learning.
Participants will enhance their clinical development of art practices through their own experiences using intention and action through the creative process to benefit the therapeutic understanding of how papermaking can be accessible, collaborative, and an effective sensory-based approach to treat the sequelae of psychological trauma as it pertains to clinical practice.
Carol Marie is a professional artist and art educator.
She is a certified art integration specialist and has taught the studio arts at Plattsburgh State University, North Country Community College and at BluSeed Studios for over 30 years.
She earned degrees in forestry from Paul Smith`s College, a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Plattsburgh State University and a Master of Fine Arts from Syracuse University.
She is the Director Emeritus & Founder of BluSeed Studios located in Saranac Lake, NY and has curated several national & international exhibitions that encourage cross-cultural collaboration.
She continues to present authentic STEAM & Project Based Learning (PBL) workshops for educators using papermaking, printmaking, ceramics/sculpture and book arts.
Carol has been a long-time collaborator and supporter of Peace Paper, she returns for a second artist residency at St. Pauli Paper Studio.
Die Kunst der Papierherstellung ist weltweit verbreitet und rund 2000 Jahre alt. Dieser Kurs erkundet die Geschichte der Papierherstellung auf ihrer Reise von China nach Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Thailand und Nepal. Die Schü
ler erlernen kulturspezifische Techniken, indem sie Papierrezepten mit Maulbeer- und Hanffasern folgen.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
Die Kunst der Papierherstellung ist weltweit verbreitet und rund 2000 Jahre alt. Dieser Kurs erkundet die Geschichte der Papierherstellung auf ihrem Weg von China durch die arabische/muslimische Welt nach Europa und Amerika. Die Schüler folgen traditionellen Papierrezepten und verwenden Zellstoff aus alten Lumpen: Hanf, Leinen, Baumwolle, Jute und Sisal.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
This one-day workshop is an introduction to the basics of bookbinding. Using traditional tools and techniques, the participants will make three different book structures: the pamphlet stitch, Japanese stab binding and hardcover multi-signature production binding.
Im Linolschnitt erarbeitet man aus einer Linoleumplatte eine eigene individuelle Druckvorlage. Dafür können Sie sich an einem Foto oder eigenen Entwürfen orientieren. Mit speziellem Werkzeug wird ein Negativmuster in das Linoleum geschnitten, mit Farbe überwalzt und dann auf Papier gedruckt. Wir verwenden Druckpressen und handgeschöpftes Papier, um fein gedruckte Kunstwerke herzustellen! Bevor es ernst wird, gibt es kurze Übungen und eine Einführung in die Werkzeuge und in die Technik.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
In diesem Kurs verwenden die Schüler traditionelle Papierherstellungstechniken, um ihre persönliche Kleidung in handgeschöpftes Papier zu verwandeln. Der Prozess umfasst das Zerlegen von Kleidung mit einer Schere, das Zerkleinern mit einem Holländer und das Umformen des Zellstoffs zu Papierbögen.
Die Schüler sind eingeladen, ein Kleidungsstück zum Umwandeln mitzubringen. Die Kleidung sollte eine persönliche Bedeutung haben. Eine Hose, ein Hemd, ein Rock, eine Kinderdecke, Stoffwindeln, eine Arbeitsuniform, ein Hochzeitskleid...
Die Kunst der Papierherstellung ist weltweit verbreitet und rund 2000 Jahre alt. Dieser Kurs erkundet die Geschichte der Papierherstellung auf ihrer Reise von China nach Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Thailand und Nepal. Die Schü
ler erlernen kulturspezifische Techniken, indem sie Papierrezepten mit Maulbeer- und Hanffasern folgen.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
Lernen Sie, wie Sie mit Materialien aus Ihrem direkten Umfeld zu Hause Papier herstellen können. In kleinen theroetischen und großen praktischen Einheiten bauen Sie sich Werkzeuge für zu Hause. Und Sie lernen die Grundlagen der Verarbeitung von Blumen, Blättern, pflanzlichen Lebensmittelabfällen, Teebeuteln und Altpapier zu Papierbrei und erstellen daraus neue wunderschöne Papiere.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
Die Kunst der Papierherstellung ist weltweit verbreitet und rund 2000 Jahre alt. Dieser Kurs erkundet die Geschichte der Papierherstellung auf ihrem Weg von China durch die arabische/muslimische Welt nach Europa und Amerika. Die Schüler folgen traditionellen Papierrezepten und verwenden Zellstoff aus alten Lumpen: Hanf, Leinen, Baumwolle, Jute und Sisal.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
Peace Paper Project facilitators Drew Matott and Jana Schumacher will strap on their rucksacks and return to Southeast Asia. In the words of Quilter and former Director of the Rensing Center Ellen Kochansky, the duo will use the time to breath out, while exploring the incredible physical & cultural landscapes of Thailand, Laos and Cambodia.
Die Kunst der Papierherstellung ist weltweit verbreitet und rund 2000 Jahre alt. Sie entdecken traditionelle Techniken des Papierschöpfens aus China, Japan, Korea, dem arabischen Raum und Europa. Anwendung und Eigenschaften von Faserarten wie Flachs, Leinen, Kozo (Maulbeerbaum) oder Baumwolle werden vorgestellt und Sie probieren die unterschiedlichen Rezepte und Methoden des Papierschöpfens aus.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
Kulturagent*innen Hamburg are the special forces for art and culture in schools: Since 2011, they have been supporting Hamburg schools in inventing new formats for their artistic practice and developing an independent cultural profile.
Kulturagent*innen Hamburg connect schools, cultural institutions and artists throughout Hamburg; accompany students, teachers and artists in conception and production; produce festivals, platforms and free spaces for artistic work; reflect on and evaluate processes of cultural education; coach, advise and qualify practitioners from school and culture analogously and digitally.
Through the support of Kulturagent*innen Hamburg, Peace Paper Project will conduct papermaking and bookbinding classes with Kurt-Körber-Gymnasium students.
Routledge Press is a global publishing company, producing thousands of books for traditional and emerging fields in the humanities and social sciences.
Drew Matott & Gretchen Miller are co-editing The Art and Art Therapy of Papermaking: Material, Methods, and Applications.
The two year project involves 18 contributors from the fields of hand papermaking, art therapy and social activism. Most of the contributors have a direct connection with Peace Paper Project, through past and/or current collaborations.
Celebrating the submission of the finished manuscript, authors will virtually meet to raise a glass and reflect on the process.
The book is set to be released in 2023 and we are already planning a combined lecture & workshop tour that includes the contributors... stay tuned!
The Seaway House is a clubhouse based on the emerging concepts of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, promoting individual recovery through the process of skill development. It has developed into a program that encourages independence, hope, empowerment, and choice. It's staff & members are committed to promoting the rights of members and eliminating the barriers which separate persons living with mental illness from their neighbors.
Peace Paper Project returns to the Seaway House for the eleventh year to conduct a day of papermaking activities. Members of the Seaway House will be able to create expressive pulp paintings using paper made from old rags gathered from the community.
Penn State was founded in 1855 as the Farmers' High School of Pennsylvania and s a major research university which conducts teaching, research, and public service. Its instructional mission includes undergraduate, graduate, professional and continuing education offered through resident instruction and online delivery.
This one-day workshop is an introduction to the basics of bookbinding. Using traditional tools and techniques, the participants will make three different book structures: the pamphlet stitch, Japanese stab binding and hardcover multi-signature production binding.
Sie lernen die grundlegenden Techniken des Papierschöpfens nach westlicher Methode kennen. Dabei werden ein- und mehrfarbige Blätter unterschiedlicher Größe hergestellt. Was wird aus Ihrem eigenen Papier: ein Kunstwerk? Oder ein Geschenk? Oder verwenden Sie es einfach so? Die verwendete Fasersubstanz wird vorab im St. Pauli Paper Studio mit einem Holländer aus gebrauchten Textilien hergestellt und steht für Sie im Kurs bereit.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
TYPA was established in the spring of 2010 as a private museum and since has operated as a working museum. The museum hosts regular visiting artists, public workshops and exhibitions.
Ukraina Maja unites the Ukrainian community in Tartu to create connections between local and newly arrived Ukrainians. The organisation coordinates cultural and social initiatives aimed at supporting Ukraine and Ukrainians in Estonia. It was founded by Alina Paas, Olena Solohub and Anna Sumyk in 2022.
Peace Paper Project returns to the city of Tartu to collaborate with Ukraina Maja, the City of Tartu and TYPA to conduct a series of papermaking and bookbinding workshops with Ukrainian families.
Lernen Sie, wie Sie mit Materialien aus Ihrem direkten Umfeld zu Hause Papier herstellen können. In kleinen theroetischen und großen praktischen Einheiten bauen Sie sich Werkzeuge für zu Hause. Und Sie lernen die Grundlagen der Verarbeitung von Blumen, Blättern, pflanzlichen Lebensmittelabfällen, Teebeuteln und Altpapier zu Papierbrei und erstellen daraus neue wunderschöne Papiere.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
This one-day workshop is an introduction to the basics of bookbinding. Using traditional tools and techniques, the participants will make three different book structures: the pamphlet stitch, Japanese stab binding and hardcover multi-signature production binding.
In light of the International Association of Hand Papermakers & Artists 28th Congress PAPER ALIVE! taking place in Dresden, the Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen of Dresden will be featuring three community engaged paper art projects for the ARTISTS' CONQUEST series.
Peace Paper Project artists and facilitators Drew Matott & Jana Schumacher will conduct a papermaking workshop at HFBK Dresden with displaced Ukrainian families and will install an exhibition of finished pieces at the Pillnitz Castle.
The exhibition will run from July 28 through October 28, 2023.
Sie lernen die grundlegenden Techniken des Papierschöpfens nach westlicher Methode kennen. Dabei werden ein- und mehrfarbige Blätter unterschiedlicher Größe hergestellt. Was wird aus Ihrem eigenen Papier: ein Kunstwerk? Oder ein Geschenk? Oder verwenden Sie es einfach so? Die verwendete Fasersubstanz wird vorab im St. Pauli Paper Studio mit einem Holländer aus gebrauchten Textilien hergestellt und steht für Sie im Kurs bereit.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
Die Kunst der Papierherstellung ist weltweit verbreitet und rund 2000 Jahre alt. Sie entdecken traditionelle Techniken des Papierschöpfens aus China, Japan, Korea, dem arabischen Raum und Europa. Anwendung und Eigenschaften von Faserarten wie Flachs, Leinen, Kozo (Maulbeerbaum) oder Baumwolle werden vorgestellt und Sie probieren die unterschiedlichen Rezepte und Methoden des Papierschöpfens aus.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
The Road Home Program provides mental health care and wellness to veterans of all eras, service members and their families at no cost and regardless of discharge status.
Chicago-based Peace Paper Project facilitators Erin Cramer, Stephen DeSantis, Micheal Applegate and Drew Matott will join forces with the Art Therapy staff at Road Home Program to conduct five-days of art therapy papermaking workshops for veterans and their families at the Rush Medical Center in Chicago.
As part of developing collaborations with VA Hospitals throughout the USA, Jenny Davis from Silver Linings Art will conduct a two-day papermaking & pulp printing workshop for veterans at the Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans Hospital.
Peace Paper Project facilitators, collaborators & art therapists Dr. Meredith McMackin, Dr. Annie McFarland, Denise Wolf and Gretchen Miller will present Papermaking as Art Therapy to Address Trauma & Loss during the Buckeye Art Therapy Association's 42nd Annual Symposium.
Unit One/Allen Hall is a creative and engaging community in a small college environment, featuring about 60 credit-granting courses, arts facilities, private music lessons, performances, educational events, volunteer activities, and a renowned Guest-in-Residence program.
Peace Paper Project facilitators Jennifer Matott, Erin Cramer, Stephen DeSantis & Drew Matott will be artists-in-residence, conducting a series of papermaking workshops; including pulp printing, mask making and cyanotype printing.
The Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling Program at Ursuline College provides education and training in art therapy and professional counseling. Students learn to aid clients in exploring personal potentials and problems through both visual and verbal expression.
Art Therapists Gretchen Miller, Dr. Annie McFarland, Stephen DeSantis and Drew Matott are teaming up to teach a Graduate class titled The Art and Art Therapy of Papermaking: Media, Methods, and Applications.
This course will introduce students to the therapeutic qualities of papermaking as a form of social
action, trauma recovery, and transformation. Students will also experience the papermaking
process and engage in learning different papermaking techniques and approaches.
The School of Art & Design at West Virginia University College of Creative Arts is recognized as a leader in the education, creative development and growth of artists, designers, scholars, and teachers in the visual arts. Its' mission is grounded on the attraction and retention of a talented, skilled, creative, distinguished, and diverse body of faculty and students. The School assumes the responsibility of providing the members of this creative community with a challenging, productive and safe working environment, ensuring the fullest realization of their potential in creative activity.
Drew Matott will be a guest lecturer, presenting and working with Art Therapy students at the School of Art & Design. On September 28, Drew & Dr. Annie McFarland will conduct a papermaking workshop using pulped prison guard uniforms. The resulting paper will be used for art therapy programs at Hazelton Federal correctional facility in Morgantown.
The Art and Art Therapy of Papermaking: Material, Methods, and Applications is a comprehensive collection edited by Master Papermaker Drew Luan Matott and Registered Board Certified Art Therapist Gretchen M. Miller about the contemporary practices, media, and value of hand papermaking as social engagement, art therapy, and personal voice.
Gretchen & Drew will moderate a series of free & open to the public online panel discussions involving the various authors of The Art and Art Therapy of Papermaking. Each event will focus on different topics of the book.
Interested participants can register through Eventbrite. In addition the discussions will be recorded and posted on YouTube for open use.
October 1 @ 2pm EST
Social Engagement & Papermaking
Since the turn of the 21st century, papermakers have often used their artistic practice to empower social engagement, support community building, create collaboration, and promote awareness. Join authors from Part 1 of The Art and Art Therapy of Papermaking dedicated to the use of hand papermaking as a form of socially engaged art.
October 15 @ 2pm EST Art Therapy & Papermaking
Art therapists are utilizing papermaking and its process as an intervention for art therapy. Influenced by its transmutation and sensory-based properties, art therapists use papermaking for promoting emotional expression, fostering self-awareness, or to manage recovery, loss, and trauma. Join authors from Part 2 of The Art and Art Therapy of Papermaking highlighting papermaking as a form of art therapy and the therapeutic qualities inherent in its practice and process.
November 5 @ 2pm EST Papermaking Narratives
Part 3 of The Art and Art Therapy of Papermaking offers a collection of ten first-person essays giving a voice to how papermaking has empowered personal stories of change, growth, transformation, and creative expression. Join authors from this section as they share how the papermaking process impacted their personal experiences and narratives.
December 3 @ 2pm EST Papermaking in Different Settings i.e. medical, community, schools, etc.
Join authors from The Art and Art Therapy of Papermaking to learn how papermaking was implemented in medical, school, or community-based settings or programs.
Since the foundation of Peace Paper Project in 2011, Saint Lawrence University has been a continued supporter through purchasing new works, hosting annual workshops and providing studio space for specific projects.
Drew Matott & photographer Tom Lascell return to SLU to lecture and conduct papermaking workshops with Fine Art students. The duo will assist students with making perfect blank sheets for printmaking, bookbinding and drawing. train students how to use it at SLU's Sustainability Farm Program.
The castle at Agathenburg was built in 1655 for Hans Christoph von Königsmarck, a successful military leader during the Thirty Years War. The castle is named after Hans Christoph von Königsmarck's wife Agatha who continued to live there after his untimely death in 1660. The castle passed ownership throughout the centuries and now is a museum, sculpture park and community space.
As part of the fine art exhibition NIGHT & LIGHT, which explores the theme black and white, Jana Schumacher & Drew Matott will conduct a weekend workshop. The workshop, SHADES OF BLACK, leads workshop participants through making paper with a variety of color-toned black rag pulps.
Sie lernen die grundlegenden Techniken des Papierschöpfens nach westlicher Methode kennen. Dabei werden ein- und mehrfarbige Blätter unterschiedlicher Größe hergestellt. Was wird aus Ihrem eigenen Papier: ein Kunstwerk? Oder ein Geschenk? Oder verwenden Sie es einfach so? Die verwendete Fasersubstanz wird vorab im St. Pauli Paper Studio mit einem Holländer aus gebrauchten Textilien hergestellt und steht für Sie im Kurs bereit.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
The Estonian Academy of Arts is the only public university in Estonia providing higher education in art, design, architecture, media, art history and conservation-restoration. It is based in the capital city of Tallinn.
Drew Matott will teach a 5 day credit-bearing course to fine art students in the subject of Pulp Printing.
The American Art Therapy Association (AATA) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, non-partisan, professional, and educational organization dedicated to the growth and development of the art therapy profession. Founded in 1969, the American Art Therapy Association is one of the world's leading art therapy membership organizations.
As part of AATA's annual conference Creativity, Curiosity, and Compassion, Peace Paper Project Co-Director Gretchen Miller and PPP collaborator Meredith McMackin will be conducting a book signing for The Art & Art Therapy of Papermaking.
Im Linolschnitt erarbeitet man aus einer Linoleumplatte eine eigene individuelle Druckvorlage. Dafür können Sie sich an einem Foto oder eigenen Entwürfen orientieren. Mit speziellem Werkzeug wird ein Negativmuster in das Linoleum geschnitten, mit Farbe überwalzt und dann auf Papier gedruckt. Wir verwenden Druckpressen und handgeschöpftes Papier, um fein gedruckte Kunstwerke herzustellen! Bevor es ernst wird, gibt es kurze Übungen und eine Einführung in die Werkzeuge und in die Technik.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
ART CIRCLE is an International Festival of Visual Arts originating from Slovenia. The festival taking place in the Brda region is a unique event that attracts artists and creative people from different parts of the world.
This is an opportunity to explore art, culture and nature in the picturesque region of Slovenia.
The main goal of the festival is to create a space where artists can share their inspirations, create works of art and build international relationships.
The most important element of the festival are the artist residencies where artists live and work. Artists from different cultures and fields exchange ideas, learn from each other and create together.
Thanks to the cooperation of the ART CIRCLE Festival with the Department of Painting of the Jan Długosz University in Częstochowie, the exhibition Reaching Beyond showcases 20 artworks from past residencies. The exhibition is curated by Kristina Prah and includes a piece by Peace Paper Project co-Director Drew Matott.
This one-day workshop is an introduction to the basics of bookbinding. Using traditional tools and techniques, the participants will make three different book structures: the pamphlet stitch, Japanese stab binding and hardcover multi-signature production binding.
Die Kunst der Papierherstellung ist weltweit verbreitet und rund 2000 Jahre alt. Sie entdecken traditionelle Techniken des Papierschöpfens aus China, Japan, Korea, dem arabischen Raum und Europa. Anwendung und Eigenschaften von Faserarten wie Flachs, Leinen, Kozo (Maulbeerbaum) oder Baumwolle werden vorgestellt und Sie probieren die unterschiedlichen Rezepte und Methoden des Papierschöpfens aus.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
Lee McDonald has been building and supplying tools and materials for the paper arts since 1976. In 2009 he designed The Oracle, a portable Hollander beater, which has become the stadard model for Peace Paper Project studios, and start-ups throughout America.
Drew Matott and Lee McDonald will work together in the TOOLS FOR PAPER papermaking studio; aswell they will visit the Hollander production studio to discuss manufacturing design & progress of the latest batch of Beaters.
Lernen Sie, wie Sie mit Materialien aus Ihrem direkten Umfeld zu Hause Papier herstellen können. In kleinen theroetischen und großen praktischen Einheiten bauen Sie sich Werkzeuge für zu Hause. Und Sie lernen die Grundlagen der Verarbeitung von Blumen, Blättern, pflanzlichen Lebensmittelabfällen, Teebeuteln und Altpapier zu Papierbrei und erstellen daraus neue wunderschöne Papiere.
Dieser Kurs wird auf Deutsch und Englisch unterrichtet.
The Potomac Fiber Arts Guild is an association of fiber artists located in the greater Washington, DC, metropolitan area. It promotes and conducts educational programs in a wide range of fiber art, such as weaving, spinning, knitting, quilting, felting, dyeing, and surface design, for members and as outreach activities.
Drew Matott and Tara Tappert will be presenting on the theme of military, the arts and service. Ms. Tappert will deliver a lecture titled Trauma-Truth Telling-Transition on the history of the arts & military and Mr. Matott will be conducting a Mini-Workshop from his studio in Hamburg, Germany.
Students will use a papermaking kit that they received in the mail to make paper from military uniforms, American Flags, discarded face masks and police uniforms. In addition to making paper, students will bind a small journal using papers from Peace Paper Projects recent travels.
January 17 - February 3
Gymnasium Corveystraße Hamburg, Germany
Das Praktikum in der 9. Klasse bietet Schülerinnen und Schülern die Möglichkeit, die Berufs- und Arbeitswelt "hautnah" zu erleben und selbst einen Job oder in einem Unternehmen auszuprobieren.
Das Praktikum gibt einen realistischen Einblick in die Arbeitswelt und betriebliche Abläufe. Durch praktische Erfahrungen machen sich die Studierenden ein realistisches Bild von ihren Erwartungen und den realen Anforderungen des Berufslebens und entwickeln selbstständiges, zielorientiertes Handeln im Unternehmen.
Anouk Maus vom Gymnasium Corveystraße wird ihr dreiwöchiges Praktikum beim Peace Paper Project absolvieren. Sie wird bei der Papierherstellung und bei Workshops helfen. Frau Maus erstellt ein Rezeptbuch und eine kurze Videodokumentation der Papierherstellungsprozesse.
The Care Card project is operated by the Institute of Developing Employment of Budapest Esély in Hungary. Their aim is providing occupational rehabilitation and income generating opportunity for people living with psycho-social difficulties and/or intellectual disabilities. Also a significant intent of their work is to help eliminate the public stigma of mental illness.
The project produces basic paper products and collaborates with local brands, offering alternate paper material for different packaging solutions. The studio mainly recycles paper waste from its offices but beyond that uses textile and plants with traditional techniques of papermaking which is suitable for developing cognitive competence of their clients.
ART CIRCLE / KROG UMETNOSTI International Visual Arts Festival / Mednarodni Festival Vizualnih Umetnosti Brda, Slovenia
Art Circle is an international visual arts festival. Since its beginnings in 1997 it has brought together for a week, on the entire Brda region and a portion of the Vipava Valley, artists from all over the world, winemakers, tourist operators and representatives of several embassies in Slovenia.
Drew Matott will join other curated artists from around the world in a week-long residency creating site-specific art work for the Museum of Contemporary Art in Brda.
Drew Matott will deliver a lecture on the development of his use of papermaking as community engagement and his continued collaborations with art therapists.
This one-day workshop is an introduction to the basics of bookbinding. Using traditional tools and techniques, the participants will make three different book structures: the pamphlet stitch, Japanese stab binding and hardcover multi-signature production binding.
This class is taught in English & German.
Sie lernen die grundlegenden Techniken des Papierschöpfens nach westlicher Methode kennen. Dabei werden ein- und mehrfarbige Blätter unterschiedlicher Größe hergestellt. Was wird aus Ihrem eigenen Papier: ein Kunstwerk? Oder ein Geschenk? Oder verwenden Sie es einfach so? Die verwendete Fasersubstanz wird vorab im St. Pauli Paper Studio mit einem Holländer aus gebrauchten Textilien hergestellt und steht für Sie im Kurs bereit.
Internationally reknown artist Mike Hentz exhibits his drawings, screen prints and pulp prints on paper made in collaboration with Drew Matott, Peace Paper Project & St. Pauli Paper Studio (2019 - 2021).
As part of Association of European Printing Museums annual conference, Drew Matott will be conducting a Pulp Printing intervention; engaging conference and museum goers in a dialogue regarding the individual & community responsibilities during the Pandemic Era.
The Hamburger Volkshochschule was founded 100 years ago as an affordable school for the adult community and exists in 900 cities throughout Germany.
Die Kunst der Papierherstellung ist weltweit verbreitet und rund 2000 Jahre alt. Sie entdecken traditionelle Techniken des Papierschöpfens aus China, Japan, Korea, dem arabischen Raum und Europa. Anwendung und Eigenschaften von Faserarten wie Flachs, Leinen, Kozo (Maulbeerbaum) oder Baumwolle werden vorgestellt und Sie probieren die unterschiedlichen Rezepte und Methoden des Papierschöpfens aus.
Sie ist eine der Vielfältigsten in der Hamburger Hanse.
Um Vertrauen und Beziehungen aufzubauen, werden die Schüler mit dem fahrradbetriebenen Hollander zusammenarbeiten, um ihre Kleidung in Papier zu verwandeln.
ARTSTADT is a collaboration of several art associations and creative industries that are occupying the former Karstadt sports building on Mönckebergstraße at Hamburg's main train station (Hauptbahnhof).
Over the next few months, ARTSTADT will host exhibitions, workshops, studio activities and community art projects. Marking the grand opening of the space and activities is a group exhibition of Hamburg-based artists.
Routledge Press is a global publishing company, producing thousands of books for traditional and emerging fields in the humanities and social sciences.
Drew Matott & Gretchen Miller are co-editing The Art and Art Therapy of Papermaking: Material, Methods, and Applications.
The two year project involves 18 contributors from the fields of hand papermaking, art therapy and social activism. Most of the contributors have a direct connection with Peace Paper Project, through past and/or current collaborations.
Celebrating the submission of finished chapters and reflections for the book, all of the contributors were brought together to share their stories of the writing process.
The book is set to be released in 2023 and we are already planning a combined lecture & workshop tour that includes the contributors... stay tuned!
IMPACT is Europe's leading academic discourse on printmaking. Printmakers from around the world attend the annual conference to discuss, debate and engage with platforms in the ever evolving field of print-media.
Drew Matott presents as part of the Summer of Print and Books IMPACT 12 series on his work as an international artist using papermaking as a form of art therapy.
Nathan Lewis is a United States Army veteran who served in the Iraq War. Since finishing his military enlistment, he has become an ardent political activist, prolific book artist and master papermaker.
He is primarily located in Trumansburg, NY, where he runs Out of Step Press, which is a complete paper, book & print studio. He also is a lead facilitator for Frontline Paper, where he conducts expressive workshops with war veterans and their communities.
This summer Nathan will be spending three months as a guest-in-residence at the Vorwerkstift, Â one of Hamburgs' most dynamic artist residency programs. While living at the Vorwerkstift, Nathan will also be accessing the letterpress print studio at the Museum der Arbeit, will be an artist-in-resident at St. Pauli Paper Studio and will teach a bookbinding workshop at Hamburger Volkshochschule.
His three-month residency will culminate with an exhibition at Galerie 21.
Elizabeth Ebriel is an accomplished fine artist and paper scholar who works and lives in Hong Kong. While on her summer European artmaking tour, she will join Nathan Lewis & Drew Matott at St Pauli Paper Studio for a studio tour.
This one-day workshop is an introduction to the basics of bookbinding. Using traditional tools and techniques, the participants will make three different book structures: the pamphlet stitch, Japanese stab binding and hardcover multi-signature production binding.
This class is taught by Nathan Lewis & Drew Matott.
AfriCraft is a certified fair trade organization and trading partner
for handmade upcycling products from Africa based out of Germany and Tanzania. The organisation establishes micro- craftmaking industies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania taht provide skill training and employment for communities.
Nathan Lewis, Drew Matott & AfriCraft founder Meinolf Kuper discuss designing, building and implementing a joint papermaking operation.
RurATechPromotion gGmbH collaborates with communities to implement agriculture, forestry, healthcare, education, renewable energy, infrastructure and the environment projects in Ghana. The programs support the economic and social development of Ghana.
RurATechPromotion is launching a papermaking program in Ghana. Peace Paper Project hosts RurATechPromotion`s CEO Dr. Samuel Gyadu for a day of training on the Hollander beater.
Sie lernen die grundlegenden Techniken des Papierschöpfens nach westlicher Methode kennen. Dabei werden ein- und mehrfarbige Blätter unterschiedlicher Größe hergestellt. Was wird aus Ihrem eigenen Papier: ein Kunstwerk? Oder ein Geschenk? Oder verwenden Sie es einfach so? Die verwendete Fasersubstanz wird vorab im St. Pauli Paper Studio mit einem Holländer aus gebrauchten Textilien hergestellt und steht für Sie im Kurs bereit.
The Department of Veteran Affairs program helps injured, and recuperating veterans improve fine motor skills, cognitive functioning, manage stress and substance abuse, cope with symptoms of PTSD and TBI, while also improving their sense of self-esteem and overall physical and mental health. Creative arts therapies are part of Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Recreation Therapy Service and are direct-care programs that include the following disciplines: Art Therapy, Dance/Movement Therapy, Drama Therapy, and Music Therapy.
For August`s National VA Creative Arts Therapy Networking Call, Drew Matott and Nathan Lewis are presenting about their work, from 2007 to present, conducting paper, book & printmaking with United States Veterans.
Seit über einem Jahrzehnt ist MS Dockville eines der innovativsten Festivals in Europa. Es verbindet Musik und interaktive Medienkunst. Das Festival hat zehn Bühnen, dauert 3 Tage und zieht über 60.000 Menschen an.
Handgeschöpftes Papier aus recycelten Gesichtsmasken, ein interaktiver Workshop
Die Künstler Drew Matott und Jana Schumacher laden als Team des St. Pauli Paperstudios zu einem interaktiven Workshop auf dem Festivälgelände ein. Unter Verwendung eines fahrradbetriebenen Holländers ( Maschine, die Kleidung zu Papierpulpe verarbeitet), werden ausrangierte Gesichtsmasken in handgeschöpftes Papier verwandelt. Die Besucher werden ermutigt aktiv an diesem kreativen Prozess teilzunehmen. Ein handgeschöpftes Blatt Papier kann am Ende der kurzen Workshopeinheiten mitgenommen werden.
Der Berufsverband Bildender Künstler*innen vertritt regional und bundesweit die berufsspezifischen Interessen von professionell arbeitenden Künstler*innen.
Ausstellung und Forum ist eine Veranstaltungsreihe des Berufsverbands Bildender Künstler*innen Hamburg. Die Ausstellung präsentiert die Werke der neuen Mitglieder des Verbandes mit ihren Positionen. Das Forum bietet Abendveranstaltungen zu aktuellen kulturpolitischen Themen.
Unit One/Allen Hall is a creative and engaging community in a small college environment, featuring about 60 credit-granting courses, arts facilities, private music lessons, performances, educational events, volunteer activities, and a renowned Guest-in-Residence program.
Peace Paper Project facilitators Erin Cramer & Drew Matott will be artists-in-residence, conducting Vegan Taxidermy papermaking workshops; with an emphasis on creating paper sculptures of native Belted Kingfisher.
The Road Home Program provides mental health care and wellness to veterans of all eras, service members and their families at no cost and regardless of discharge status.
Chicago-based Peace Paper Project facilitators Erin Cramer, Micheal Applegate and Drew Matott will join forces with the Art Therapy staff at Road Home Program to conduct five-days of art therapy papermaking workshops for veterans and their families at the Rush Medical Center in Chicago.
The Green Door Studio was established in 2002. Over the past 20 years it has been the workspace for numerous artists, launch pad for many activist-based projects (including Peace Paper Project), and cultural hub for Burlington's South End.
As a means to celebrate the 20 year milestone, GDS Director Nicole Christman and current members, Will C., Scottie Raymond & Steve Sharon will an exhibition showcasing past GDS members.
We invite you to join in this weekend of epic celebration & party... at the location where it all began!
Jana Schumacher & Drew Matott sprechen über ihr persönliches Kunstwerk und führen durch ihre Künstlerateliers. Die Anmeldung erfolgt über die Hamburger Volkshochschule.
Wie arbeiten Künstler? Wie sieht ein Atelier aus? In der Reihe „Atelierbesuch“ können Sie mit den an der vhs lehrenden Künstlern direkt in den Ateliers über ihre Arbeit sprechen und hinter die Kulissen erfahren, wie Profis arbeiten. Diesmal besuchen wir Drew Matott und Jana Schumacher in ihren Arbeitsräumen.
Jana arbeitet als bildende Künstlerin mit Schwerpunkt auf abstrakter Zeichnung und räumlichen Installationen.
Drew ist ein bildender Künstler und Papiermacher aus den Vereinigten Staaten. Sein besonderes Augenmerk gilt der traditionellen Technik der Papierherstellung und der Entwicklung künstlerischer Projekte mit sozialer Ausrichtung.
University of Wisconsin's Peck School of the Arts presents Artists Now!, an evening lecture series that presents a diverse group of artists working across traditional, hybrid and emergent disciplines.
Drew Matott will present on his life's work using traditional hand papermaking as a vehicle for social justice, art therapy, community engagement, and fine artmaking.
This one-day workshop is an introduction to the basics of bookbinding. Using traditional tools and techniques, the participants will make three different book structures: the pamphlet stitch, Japanese stab binding and hardcover multi-signature production binding.
Nathan Lewis is a United States Army veteran who served in the Iraq War. Since finishing his military enlistment, he has become an ardent political activist, prolific book artist and master papermaker.
He is primarily located in Trumansburg, NY, where he runs Out of Step Press, which is a complete paper, book & print studio. He also is a lead facilitator for Frontline Paper, where he conducts expressive workshops with war veterans and their communities.
Nate Lewis will celebrate and bid farewell to his Hamburg artist residency by conducting a pedal powered papermaking workshop at the Malto microbrewery in Hamburg.
Der Berufsverband Bildender Künstler*innen vertritt regional und bundesweit die berufsspezifischen Interessen von professionell arbeitenden Künstler*innen.
Drew Matott & Nathan Lewis werden Gäste zu einem offenen Studioerlebnis beherbergen.
Die Brücke Neumünster ist eine Organisation, die Dienstleistungen für Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen anbietet.
Peace Paper Project lädt Mitarbeiter aus Neumünster zu einem Workshop ein. Die Mitarbeiter werden aus ihrer Kleidung Papier machen. Der Workshop ist der zweite einer laufenden Beziehung.
Bryant University has a small liberal arts university located in Rhode Island. It offers numerous undergarduate and graduate degrees.
Peace Paper Project facilitator, Army Veteran, papermaker and printmaker Patrick Sargent will work together with Drew Matott & the Bryant University Student Veteran Association to conduct a week-long Veteran Paper Workshop.
The Seaway House is a clubhouse based on the emerging concepts of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, promoting individual recovery through the process of skill development. It has developed into a program that encourages independence, hope, empowerment, and choice. It's staff & members are committed to promoting the rights of members and eliminating the barriers which separate persons living with mental illness from their neighbors.
Peace Paper Project returns to the Seaway House for the tenth year to conduct a day of papermaking activities. Members of the Seaway House will be able to Pulp Print self-portraits onto paper made from old rags gathered from the community.
The mission of the American Art Therapy Association is to advocate for expansion of access to professional art therapists and lead the nation in the advancement of art therapy as a regulated mental health and human services profession. It represents individuals and institutions who are dedicated to the art therapy profession and who have an interest in promoting its growth throughout the United States.
The American Art Therapy Association's 53rd Annual Conference: RESILIENCE | INCLUSIVITY | GROWTH will be in Minneapolis, Minnesota. During the conference, Peace Paper Project's Co-Director Gretchen Miller & collaborating Art Therapist Denise Wolfe will conduct a workshop titled Radical Papermaking: A Socially Engaged Art Therapy Practice.
This workshop explores papermaking as a socially informed practice in art therapy. Through didactic learning and hands-on papermaking, non-traditional media adaptations and material methods to papermaking that promote accessibility, collaboration, community-based practice, and social engagement will be facilitated.
The Masters in Art & Art Therapy Program at Drexel University was founded in 1967 and since has remained committed to providing students with extensive exposure to current psychological, developmental, psychotherapy, and art therapy theory and practice.
Drew Matott will lecture to students in the Undergraduate and Graduate Art Therapy program about the development of his work using hand papermaking as a form of personal expression and healing with former personnel of the United States military.
The Hamburger Volkshochschule was founded 100 years ago as an affordable school for the adult community and exists in 900 cities throughout Germany.
Die Kunst der Papierherstellung ist weltweit verbreitet und rund 2000 Jahre alt. Sie entdecken traditionelle Techniken des Papierschöpfens aus China, Japan, Korea, dem arabischen Raum und Europa. Anwendung und Eigenschaften von Faserarten wie Flachs, Leinen, Kozo (Maulbeerbaum) oder Baumwolle werden vorgestellt und Sie probieren die unterschiedlichen Rezepte und Methoden des Papierschöpfens aus.
TYPA was established in the spring of 2010 as a private museum and since has operated as a working museum. The museum hosts regular visiting artists, public workshops and exhibitions.
Ukraina Maja unites the Ukrainian community in Tartu to create connections between local and newly arrived Ukrainians. The organisation coordinates cultural and social initiatives aimed at supporting Ukraine and Ukrainians in Estonia. It was founded by Alina Paas, Olena Solohub and Anna Sumyk in 2022.
In collaboration with the Ukraina Maja, the City of Tartu, TYPA & Peace Paper Project, Drew Matott will conduct a series of papermaking workshops with Ukrainian families.
The Art Therapy Program at George Washington University is situated within the Columbian College of Arts & Sciences and offers both Bachelors and Masters in Art Therapy. Through the Learning Center, the program hosts regular lectures and workshops that explore contemporary work in the field of Art Therapy.
Peace Paper Project Directors Drew Matott & Gretchen Miller will lecture about their worldwide work using traditional hand papermaking as a form or trauma therapy.
Sie lernen die grundlegenden Techniken des Papierschöpfens nach westlicher Methode kennen. Dabei werden ein- und mehrfarbige Blätter unterschiedlicher Größe hergestellt. Was wird aus Ihrem eigenen Papier: ein Kunstwerk? Oder ein Geschenk? Oder verwenden Sie es einfach so? Die verwendete Fasersubstanz wird vorab im St. Pauli Paper Studio mit einem Holländer aus gebrauchten Textilien hergestellt und steht für Sie im Kurs bereit.
Sarah and Johanna Strupix are Hamburg-based entrepreneurs that promote and develop eco-friendly products. A major part of their mission has an emphasis on the use of up-cycling manufacturing processes.
As part of their latest product design, they collaborated with Peace Paper Project to make decorative sheets of paper from clothing discarded on the streets of Hamburg.
The Hamburger Volkshochschule was founded 100 years ago as an affordable school for the adult community and exists in 900 cities throughout Germany.
Die Kunst der Papierherstellung ist weltweit verbreitet und rund 2000 Jahre alt. Sie entdecken traditionelle Techniken des Papierschöpfens aus China, Japan, Korea, dem arabischen Raum und Europa. Anwendung und Eigenschaften von Faserarten wie Flachs, Leinen, Kozo (Maulbeerbaum) oder Baumwolle werden vorgestellt und Sie probieren die unterschiedlichen Rezepte und Methoden des Papierschöpfens aus.
A Revolutionary Press was founded by John Vincent in 2008 and is a subscription-by-post letterpress studio based out of Vermont. It is dedicated to promoting and supporting issues of social justice and democracy across the globe.
Through coordinated street interventions and paper production, Peace Paper Project has had the honor of collaborating with A Revolutionary Press since 2013.
Drew Matott will use fibers of social & political importance from Peace Paper Project's international work to make 1000 sheets of paper for A Revolutionary Press.
Hermetic Coffee is a coffee roaster that has become a staple for cafés and restaurants throughout Hamburg.
Peace Paper Project uses the left-over jute coffee sacks to make paper that are sold at café and used in artmaking processes. Since the begin of our collaboration with Hermetic Coffee we have made over 2000 sheets of paper from their used jute sacks.
Carsten Wagner is a Master Printmaker and Fine Artist living and working in Hamburg, Germany. Carsten gathered his worn t-shirts from the past four years and is having them made into sheets of paper for printing projects.
Due to the Covid 19 restrictions, Carsten is not able to make the paper himself, so Peace Paper Project facilitators Jana Schumacher and Drew Matott will cut, beat and form the sheets of paper for him.
PEACE of PAPER is a volunteer organisation comprised of artists & activists living in Munich. It uses printmaking workshops to conduct integration workshops. The project brings together migrants, refugees and others from the Bavarian community to celebrate diversity and humanity.
Drew Matott, Peace Paper Project's director collaborates with families, community members and supporters of PEACE of PAPER to make paper from their personal clothing.
This one-day workshop is an introduction to the basics of bookbinding. Using traditional tools and techniques, the participants will make three different book structures: the pamphlet stitch, Japanese stab binding and hardcover multi-signature production binding.
This class is taught in English & German.
Hacienda San Jorge is located in the Spanish Canary Islands on La Palma, an active volcanic island. The hotel is most known for its extensive botanical gardens which attract arborists, botanists, bird-watchers, ocean-goers, European vacationers and artists alike.
The Museum of Literature and Printing was founded in 2004 in Grębocin, Poland. The Museum features remarkable private collections related to papermaking and printing that are presented to the public through interactive educational workshops.
Peace Paper Project facilitators Jana Schumacher and Drew Matott will spend one month investigating the flora and landscape of La Palma to create site specific paper art for TYPO: International Mail Art Project sponsored by Museum of Literature and Printing in Grębocin, Poland.
Sie lernen die grundlegenden Techniken des Papierschöpfens nach westlicher Methode kennen. Dabei werden ein- und mehrfarbige Blätter unterschiedlicher Größe hergestellt. Was wird aus Ihrem eigenen Papier: ein Kunstwerk? Oder ein Geschenk? Oder verwenden Sie es einfach so? Die verwendete Fasersubstanz wird vorab im St. Pauli Paper Studio mit einem Holländer aus gebrauchten Textilien hergestellt und steht für Sie im Kurs bereit.
Die Kunst der Papierherstellung ist weltweit verbreitet und rund 2000 Jahre alt. Sie entdecken traditionelle Techniken des Papierschöpfens aus China, Japan, Korea, dem arabischen Raum und Europa. Anwendung und Eigenschaften von Faserarten wie Flachs, Leinen, Kozo (Maulbeerbaum) oder Baumwolle werden vorgestellt und Sie probieren die unterschiedlichen Rezepte und Methoden des Papierschöpfens aus.
Routledge Press is a global publishing company, producing thousands of books for traditional and emerging fields in the humanities and social sciences.
Drew Matott & Gretchen Miller are co-editing The Art and Art Therapy of Papermaking: Material, Methods, and Applications.
The two year project involves 18 contributors from the fields of hand papermaking, art therapy and social activism. Most of the contributors have a direct connection with Peace Paper Project, through past and/or current collaborations.
Initiating the process of drafting for the book, all of the contributors were brought together for a meet & greet via Zoom.
The book is set to be released in 2023 and we are already planning a combined lecture & workshop tour that includes the many contributors... stay tuned!
This one-day workshop is an introduction to the basics of bookbinding. Using traditional tools and techniques, the participants will make three different book structures: the pamphlet stitch, Japanese stab binding and hardcover multi-signature production binding.
This class is taught in English & German.
August 15 - 23
Hanseatic Help is a non-profit organisation that receives, cleans, mends and redistributes clothing to people and families in need. It was founded in 2015 as a result of the outpouring response of the Hamburg community donating clothing during the migrant influx.
Unfortunately, not all the donated material is reusable and the organisation has to dispose of 12 tons of unusable rag material a year. As a way to mitigate this, they have implemented a series of collaborations with programs that use the waste-rag for different up-cycled projects and micro business opportunities. Peace Paper Project is honored to be one of these organisations and will collect up to 50 kilograms of waste rag a week to use to make paper.
Sie lernen die grundlegenden Techniken des Papierschöpfens nach westlicher Methode kennen. Dabei werden ein- und mehrfarbige Blätter unterschiedlicher Größe hergestellt. Was wird aus Ihrem eigenen Papier: ein Kunstwerk? Oder ein Geschenk? Oder verwenden Sie es einfach so? Die verwendete Fasersubstanz wird vorab im St. Pauli Paper Studio mit einem Holländer aus gebrauchten Textilien hergestellt und steht für Sie im Kurs bereit.
Die Brücke Neumünster ist eine Organisation, die Dienstleistungen für Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen anbietet.
Peace Paper Project lädt Mitarbeiter aus Neumünster zu einem Workshop ein. Die Mitarbeiter werden aus ihrer Kleidung Papier machen. Der Workshop ist der erste einer fortgesetzten Beziehung.
September 16 - 21
Unit One/Allen Hall University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, Illinois
Unit One/Allen Hall is a creative and engaging community in a small college environment, featuring about 60 credit-granting courses, arts facilities, private music lessons, performances, educational events, volunteer activities, and a renowned Guest-in-Residence program.
Unit One/Allen Hall hosts Peace Paper for a sixth year. This year the daily engagements in front of Allen Hall invite students to pedal power pulps and make paper art that seeks to educate and empower students.
Peace Paper Project will be artist-in-residence, conducting papermaking workshops; with an emphasis on Nepalese-style and pulp painting techniques.
Time of Remembrance is an annual event of remembrance, support, community building and healing. It was founded by Shirley Schmunk after the loss of her son Jeremiah in Baghdad, Iraq. The three days of activities and engagements bring together family members of service men & women who gave their lives in service during the Global War on Terrorism and Operation Enduring Freedom.
As part of this years Annual Remembrance Weekend, Art Therapist, Gold Star Mother and Peace Paper Project collaborator, Meredith McMackin will present on her personal and professional use of hand papermaking with student veterans and other groups in processing grief and loss. In addition, Peace Paper Project is providing 200 sheets of paper made from military uniforms to be used during the creative writing workshop.
The BCA Summer Artist Market creates a vibrant and contemporary outdoor market in the heart of downtown Burlington every Saturday for the summer season. It offers unique, handmade items by Vermont artists and this year's market features a diverse offering of ceramics, jewelry, games, clothing, accessories, and, of course, an annual Peace Paper Project street intervention!
Johnny LaFalce & Drew Matott team up with A Revolutionary Press to pedal pulp contemporary issues into messages of empowerment, peace and love.
The Road Home Program provides mental health care and wellness to veterans of all eras, service members and their families at no cost and regardless of discharge status.
Drew Matott, Micheal Applegate and Johnny LaFalce will join forces to conduct three days of papermaking workshops for veterans and their families at the Rush Medical Center in Chicago.
The Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design is a private college of art and design in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Founded in 1974, it offers multiple Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees that prepare young individuals for the rigorous future in the arts.
As part of the Reimagining the Global Village exhibition Drew Matott & Johnny LaFalce will conduct a three-day workshop with MIAD students, staff and greater community.
The Pittsburgh VA Hospital is among the most innovative and forward-looking in the nation, it provides exceptional health care to United States Veterans, trains America's future health care providers, and conducts research that contributes to medical advancements.
In direct line with it's dedication to being leaders in the health care services, the Pittsburgh VA hospital is the first VA Hospital to purchase a full portable paper studio. The studio will be used to service patients throughout the three different VA hospital locations in Pittsburgh.
Peace Paper Project Director Drew Matott is pleased to have had the honor to serve as a consultant over the last year, assisting with the procurement of tools & equipment, as well as helping design programs. He will travel to Pittsburgh for a ribbon cutting ceremony, opening the studio and conducting a series of training workshops with recreation therapy staff.
Out of Step Press was founded by US Veteran and Master Papermaker and Bookbinder, Nathan Lewis. The 200 square meter studio is situated in Upstate New York and is complete with a full paper, book and print studio.
Collaborating with Frontline Paper, Kevin Basel, Laura Rowley and Eli Wright, Out of Step Press conducts regular book art workshops, fine artist collaborations, fine letterpress production, artist residencies and public interventions.
Peace Paper Project Director Drew Matott, will meet up with the Out of Step Press crew, run a small edition of paper made from pulped military uniforms, discuss collaborating on emerging VA Hospital contracts and their upcoming contributions to The Art and Art Therapy of Papermaking: Material, Methods, and Applications (Routledge Press).
Die Kunst der Papierherstellung ist weltweit verbreitet und rund 2000 Jahre alt. Sie entdecken traditionelle Techniken des Papierschöpfens aus China, Japan, Korea, dem arabischen Raum und Europa. Anwendung und Eigenschaften von Faserarten wie Flachs, Leinen, Kozo (Maulbeerbaum) oder Baumwolle werden vorgestellt und Sie probieren die unterschiedlichen Rezepte und Methoden des Papierschöpfens aus.
The Masters in Art & Art Therapy Program at Drexel University was founded in 1967 and since has remained committed to providing students with extensive exposure to current psychological, developmental, psychotherapy, and art therapy theory and practice.
Drew Matott will lecture to students in the Undergraduate and Graduate Art Therapy program about the development of his work using hand papermaking as a form of personal expression and healing with former personnel of the United States military.
Haus Des Papiers in Berlin exclusively presents contemporary paper art.
As part of the fall 2021 lecture series, Jana Schumacher and Drew Matott will present on their personal work using paper (and papermaking) to create contemporary works of art.
George Mason University was founded in 1949 and is a major Research I university. The School of Art is founded on the premise that art both reflects and inspires a creative society, improving the human condition while describing the world, both as it is and could be. It encourages students to see art both as individual expression and public interaction, while celebrating historical reference, current relevance and experimentation.
Peace Paper Project Director Drew Matott will deliver two lectures to Entrepreneurship and the Arts course, taught by Patrick Sargent. Matott will divulge how he balances his personal and community practices using fine art as social engagement, art therapy and arts management. He will provide an in depth discussion of the Peace Paper Project business model; sharing examples of both successes and failures.
Hanseatic Help is a non-profit organisation that receives, cleans, mends and redistributes clothing to people and families in need. It was founded in 2015 as a result of the outpouring response of the Hamburg community donating clothing during the migrant influx.
Unfortunately, not all the donated material is reusable and the organisation has to dispose of 12 tons of unusable rag material a year. As a way to mitigate this, they have implemented a series of collaborations with programs that use the waste-rag for different up-cycled projects and micro business opportunities. Peace Paper Project is honored to be one of these organisations and will collect waste rag to make paper.
On November 18 & 19, Drew Matott will lead staff & volunteer workers from Hanseatic Help in the production of 500 sheets of paper from rag waste. The finished papers will be used to create holiday gift cards for families and children in need.
This one-day workshop is an introduction to the basics of bookbinding. Using traditional tools and techniques, the participants will make three different book structures: the pamphlet stitch, Japanese stab binding and hardcover multi-signature production binding.
This class is taught in English & German.
Rhode Island School of Design was founded in the late nineteenth century and is one of the worlds most renown fine art schools. Its 181 esteemed faculty offer over 30 cutting edge degree programs to more than 2500 students.
Director of Peace Paper Project Drew Matott will lecture about his use of the transformative processes of papermaking internationally and will spend one day working with papermaking & drawing students.
Former Peace Paper Project Intern and longtime collaborator Dr. Annie McFarland joins Dr. Ashley Hartman, Dr. Christa Irwin and Dr. Catherine Richmond-Cullen in presenting at Marywood University's Art Therapy Symposium Exploring Personal Narratives through Papermaking in Museum-Based Art Therapy.
The 2020 Art Therapy Symposium at Marywood University will explore the practice of museum-based art therapy and the technique of paper-making as narrative through the practice of art therapy. Museum-based art therapy is a community-based practice that utilizes the museum as a space to offer accessibility, educational opportunities, and therapeutic benefits to benefit the health and wellbeing of individuals from diverse socioeconomic, cultural, and ability backgrounds.
Dr. Annie McFarland will present the art therapy experiential process of papermaking and how this process lends well to the goals and objectives art therapists may use in their practice during art therapy sessions in the museum that highlight on the narrative process to explore identity issues, family issues, grief and loss, memory recall or reminiscence work.
The Hamburger Volkshochschule was founded 100 years ago as an affordable school for the adult community and exists in 900 cities throughout Germany.
Sie lernen die grundlegenden Techniken des Papierschöpfens nach westlicher Methode kennen. Dabei werden ein- und mehrfarbige Blätter unterschiedlicher Größe hergestellt. Was wird aus Ihrem eigenen Papier: ein Kunstwerk? Oder ein Geschenk? Oder verwenden Sie es einfach so? Die verwendete Fasersubstanz wird vorab im St. Pauli Paper Studio mit einem Holländer aus gebrauchten Textilien hergestellt und steht für Sie im Kurs bereit.
Risofort is an artist group originally from Graz, Austria. They operate two risograph presses that they use to host open workshops on a regular basis, inviting the community to print small-ish projects (flyers/posters/mini-zines/driver's licenses/menus/...). In addition to the socially engaged print practice they offer contract printing & layout/design of print projects.
It's central to Risofort to be an accessible space where everyone can afford to print on their own. Their prices are made up of a basic material price plus a fee for using the space that varies depending on the individual/initiative/collective/company who's using it.
Peace Paper Project welcomes Risofort to St Pauli Paper Studio with an evening papermaking workshop. The recently resettled troupe will make paper using rags gathered from the streets of Hamburg for printing and bookbinding.
Vor über 2000 Jahren wurde Papier in China erfunden. Im Zuge der Verbreitung von Schrift und Religion wurde das klassische Rezept nach Korea und Japan getragen. Die Kunst, Papier herzustellen, wurde verfeinert und erblühte schließlich in Japan zu feinster Handwerkskunst.
Asiatische Papierschöpftechniken beziehen sich meisten auf Techniken und den Gebrauch von Pflanzenfasern aus dem südostasiatischen Raum. Eine besondere Rolle hierbei spielt der Gebrauch von Maulbeerbaumfaser. Auch Daphne, Bananen- und Bambusfasern werden verwendet.
Nach einer zweitägigen Trocknungszeit werden die Papiere an die Teilnehmer verschickt (DHL Päckchen, unversichert).
In diesem Kurs stellen wir grundlegende Techniken des Papierschöpfens nach westlicher Methode vor. Wir formen einfarbige und mehrfarbige Blätter unterschiedlicher Größe zum persönlichen und künstlerischen Gebrauch.
Der Kurs gibt einen vollständigen Einblick in den Herstellungsprozess von handgeschöpftem Papier: angefangen von der Herstellung der Fasermasse unter Verwendung unseres Holländers (Papiermaschine), eine Erkundung unterschiedlicher Rohstoffe sowie die Vorstellung verschiedener Trocknungsmethoden. Nach einer zweitägigen Trocknungszeit werden die Blätter an die Teilnehmer verschickt.
Karly Jean Kainz is an interdisciplinary artist from Sheboygan, Wisconsin, who focuses on the use of printmaking and papermaking techniques to investigate ideas of sustainability. She recently received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art with an emphasis in Print & Narrative Forms from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in December of 2019.
She has exhibited in several Milwaukee based group shows through UWM. In addition she was the 2019 recipient of the UWM-Arrowmont Scholarship and a printmaking intern at the Theaster Gates Studio in Chicago, IL.
Karly will be an artist in residence at St. Pauli Paper Studio for three months where she will assist with workshops and create new works for an exhibition at Galerie 21, Vorwerk-Stift, Hamburg.
June 6 & 7 Canceled due to COVID-19 Crisis Papieroffizin Fürth, Germany
Papier Offizin is a production paper mill located outside the old city walls of Nuremberg, Germany. It was founded by Master Papermaker Matthias Schwethelm.
Drew Matott & Matthias Schwethelm will conduct a weekend of papermaking workshops with migrants and refugees at Papieroffizin.
June 13 & 14 Canceled due to COVID-19 Crisis PEACE of PAPER
Munich, Germany
PEACE of PAPER is a volunteer organisation comprised of artists & activists living in Munich. It uses printmaking workshops to conduct integration workshops. The project brings together migrants, refugees and others from the Bavarian community to celebrate diversity and humanity.
Drew Matott, Peace Paper Project's director will conduct a two-day workshop with families, community members and supporters of PEACE of PAPER.
Die Kunst der Papierherstellung ist weltweit verbreitet und rund 2000 Jahre alt. Sie entdecken traditionelle Techniken des Papierschöpfens aus China, Japan, Korea, dem arabischen Raum und Europa. Anwendung und Eigenschaften von Faserarten wie Flachs, Leinen, Kozo (Maulbeerbaum) oder Baumwolle werden vorgestellt und Sie probieren die unterschiedlichen Rezepte und Methoden des Papierschöpfens aus.
Große Formate sind besonders in zeitgenössischen künstlerischen Anwendungen ein wesentlicher Bestandteil.
Ursprünglich kommt die Technik der Herstellung besonders großer Formate aus Nepal. Hierbei wird Papiermasse in Siebe gegossen und anschließend mit Hand und Schwamm gepresst. Unsere Siebe reichen von 40 mal 60 cm bis zu etwa 100 mal 100 cm.
Pulp Painting (Malen mit Pulpe) ist eine kreative Anwendung bei größeren Formaten, die wir in diesem Workshop anbieten. Verschiedenfarbige Papiermasse wird  in mehreren Schichten in die Siebe gegossen, es entsteht eine Malerei aus Papierpulpe. Zusätzlich kann mit wasserlöslichen Pigmenten auf dem noch nassen Papier gemalt oder geschrieben werden. Durch ein spezielles Siebdruckverfahren (Pulp Printing) lassen sich weitere Effekte und künstlerische Elemente hinzufügen.
Papierschöpfen ist eine fantastische Aktivität für die ganze Familie. Die Hydrierung der Pulpe mit unserem Fahrrad - betriebenen Holländer (Papiermaschine), das Zerstampfen der gekochten Blüten und anderen Fasern, Handabdrücke und die vielfarbige Papiermasse begeistern große wie auch kleine Teilnehmer gleichermaßen.
Wir laden die ganze Familie zu einem kreativ - chaotischen Tag in unserem Papierstudio ein. Spezielle Gäste dieses Papierevents ist die Matott Familie aus dem nördlichen Teil des Staates New York.
In diesem Kurs entsteht aus alten Kleidungsstücken etwas Neues. Gemeinsam erarbeiten wir alle grundlegenden Techniken des Papierschöpfens nach westlicher Methode. Wir formen einfarbige und mehrfarbige Blätter unterschiedlicher Größe zum persönlichen und künstlerischen Gebrauch.
Der Kurs legt einen Schwerpunkt auf die Verarbeitung persönlicher mitgebrachter Kleidungsstücke. Mit Hilfe unseres Holländers verarbeiten wir individuelle Kleidungsstücke zu Fasermasse, um daraus Blätter unterschiedlicher Größe und Farbigkeit zu formen.
Nach einer zweitägigen Trocknungszeit werden die Blätter an die Teilnehmer verschickt.
As part of the International Summer Academy for Art & Design, Drew Matott & Jana Schumacher will use rags collected from the streets of St. Pauli to conduct one-day papermaking for fine artists workshop.
Lili Labus and Csenge Győrbíró are fashion designers who studied papermaking with Magda Sobon at the Strzemiński Academy of Art Łódź, Łódź, in Poland. They recently have established a hand papermaking studio called Greenwerk Paper Studio in Budapest, Hungary.
Csenge Győrbíró received an Erasmus Foundation Internship Grant to learn and work at St. Pauli Paper Studio.
Aski Dahl is a MFA graduate of the Bergen Academy of Art and Design, currently based in Sweden. Her artistic practice includes drawing, sculpture and installation, and engages in material property, sensory perception and states of abstraction. As an artist in residence at the St. Pauli Paper Studio, Aski will be researching methods of using paper mass as sculptural material.
Eileen Selby is a graduate of The Fine Art Center in Greenville, SC and currently is a fine art student at Furman University. Her media of study includes metals, textiles and the book arts. She has strong German roots, is fluent in Deutsche and has traveled numerous times throughout Germany.
Eileen will be an artist in residence at St. Pauli Paper Studio, were she will explore papermaking as a new media and be the Teaching Assistant for the Volkshochschule Basics of Bookbinding class.
This one-day workshop is an introduction to the basics of bookbinding. Using traditional tools and techniques, the participants will make three different book structures: the pamphlet stitch, Japanese stab binding and hardcover multi-signature production binding.
This class is taught in English & Deutsche.
Every year Peace Paper Project conducts a three-month papermaking tour of North America. Collaborating with high schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, shelters, prisons, cultural, activist & art centers... these tours are the backbone of PPP's mission to bring papermaking as a form or personal expression, community engagement and art therapy directly to communities in North America.
From coast-to-coast-to-coast Peace Paper Project facilitators conduct intense and meaningful workshops with over 3000 individuals, working together to transform personal articles of clothing into beautiful sheets of paper art.
Due to the uncontrollable situation of the COVID 19 Pandemic in the United States, we have cancelled our North American Tour. Instead Drew Matott will be delivering online lectures about Peace Paper Project's international work from our St. Pauli Paper Studio in Hamburg, Germany.
Participating Institutions:
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Edgewood College, Madison, WI
Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design, Milwaukee, WI
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
St. Ambrose University, Davenport, IA
St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY
St. Johns University, Queens, NY
University of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
Washington State University, Tri-Cities, Richland, WA
Since 1851, the mission of The Children's Village has been to work in partnership with families to help society's most vulnerable children so that they become educationally proficient, economically productive, and socially responsible members of their communities.
For the eighth year in a row, Peace Paper Project will be teaching an ongoing papermaking and printmaking workshop for the residents at Children's Village. In addition to Pedal Power and Pulp Printing, the team will make Nepalese-style pulp paintings.
The BCA Summer Artist Market creates a vibrant and contemporary outdoor market in the heart of downtown Burlington every Saturday for the summer season. It offers unique, handmade items by Vermont artists and this year's market features a diverse offering of ceramics, jewelry, games, clothing, accessories, and, of course, an annual Peace Paper Project street intervention!
Johnny LaFalce & Drew Matott team up with A Revolutionary Press to pedal pulp contemporary issues into messaged of peace and love.
Individuals living with mental illness struggle in many ways:
Mental illness affects the psyche of individuals and their ability to maintain employment. It can leave them with poor social skills so that they have difficulty interacting with community social groups. Their income is limited and many live on a subsistence level. Furthermore, the stigma of mental illness prevents members of the outside community from reaching out to help these individuals.
For a sixth year, Drew Matott is teaming up with mental health services providers and consumers to do a series of papermaking workshops that promote social engagement, build confidence and address stigma. These workshops are in direct collaboration with St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center and North Country Transitional Living Housing Unit.
September 4 Canceled due to COVID-19 Crisis Seaway House Ogdensburg, NY
The Seaway House is a clubhouse based on the emerging concepts of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, promoting individual recovery through the process of skill development. It has developed into a program that encourages independence, hope, empowerment, and choice. It's staff & members are committed to promoting the rights of members and eliminating the barriers which separate persons living with mental illness from their neighbors.
Peace Paper Project returns to the Seaway House for the ninth year in a row to conduct a day of papermaking activities. Members of the Seaway House will be able to Pulp Print self-portraits onto paper made from old rags gathered from the community.
Since the foundation of Peace Paper Project in 2011, Saint Lawrence University has been a continued supporter through purchasing new works, hosting annual workshops and providing studio space for specific projects.
Drew Matott, Johnny LaFalce & photographer Tom Lascell return to SLU to lecture and conduct papermaking workshops with Fine Art students. The duo will assist students with making perfect blank sheets for printmaking, bookbinding and drawing.
West Virginia University is a public, land-grant, space-grant, research-intensive university. Its main campus in Morgantown, West Virginia boasts an enrollment over twenty-six thousand students! WVU's Graduate Certificate in Visual Arts Therapy is a competitive certification program designed for Graduate students.
Peace Paper Project offers a one-day Papermaking as Personal Transformation workshop for students in the Visual Arts Therapy Certificate Program.
Die Kunst der Papierherstellung ist weltweit verbreitet und rund 2000 Jahre alt. Sie entdecken traditionelle Techniken des Papierschöpfens aus China, Japan, Korea, dem arabischen Raum und Europa. Anwendung und Eigenschaften von Faserarten wie Flachs, Leinen, Kozo (Maulbeerbaum) oder Baumwolle werden vorgestellt und Sie probieren die unterschiedlichen Rezepte und Methoden des Papierschöpfens aus.
September 28 - October 25 Canceled due to COVID-19 Crisis WSU Tri-Cities
Richland, WA
Washington State University Tri-Cities is a campus in the Washington State University system. It is located along the Columbia River in northern Richland, Washington.
Peace Paper Project returns to Tri-Cities to continue its collaboration with Student Veteran Association and Dreamers.
Papier Offizin is a production paper mill located outside the old city walls of Nuremberg, Germany. It was founded by Master Papermaker Matthias Schwethelm.
Matthias will spend a week in residence at St. Pauli Paper Studio, collaborating with Drew Matott to making specialty papers from Kozo, Gampi, Mitsumata & Hemp for a local furniture designer, a clothing designer and an interior designer.
This one-day workshop is an introduction to the basics of bookbinding. Using traditional tools and techniques, the participants will make three different book structures: the pamphlet stitch, Japanese stab binding and hardcover multi-signature production binding.
This class is taught in English & Deutsche.
The Hines VA is the first VA hospital to have papermaking as an ongoing art therapy program. Since 2012, Hines veteran participation in the Veteran Paper Workshops has become so popular that the Peace Paper Project now offers introductory, intermediate, and advanced papermaking classes, in addition to in-patient workshop programming.
Drew Matott returns to the Hines VA to conduct focused workshops for beginning and advanced papermaking classes. Participants will make paper art while further developing a relationship between the arts and healing.
Die Kunst der Papierherstellung ist weltweit verbreitet und rund 2000 Jahre alt. Sie entdecken traditionelle Techniken des Papierschöpfens aus China, Japan, Korea, dem arabischen Raum und Europa. Anwendung und Eigenschaften von Faserarten wie Flachs, Leinen, Kozo (Maulbeerbaum) oder Baumwolle werden vorgestellt und Sie probieren die unterschiedlichen Rezepte und Methoden des Papierschöpfens aus.
The Rensing Center is an artist retreat and residence center located in rural South Carolina. Peace Paper Project has been fortunate to have been visiting artists, guests in residence and teaching artists several times since 2011.
The Fine Arts Center of Greenville, SC provides arts instruction to students who are artistically talented and wish to take an intensive pre-professional program of study. Students are selected on the basis of talent, interest and commitment to their discipline and study architecture, theatre/theatre design, dance, visual arts, music, creative writing, or digital filmmaking.
This year, Peace Paper Project will teach at the Fine Arts Center and rest at the Rensing Center.
As the second largest school system in Georgia, the Cobb County School District (CCSD) is responsible for educating more than 111,000 students in a diverse, constantly changing suburban environment.
After last year's visit to CCSD, art instructor Patsy Rausch secured a grant to establish a portable papermaking studio for the school district to use. This year, Drew Matott will conduct papermaking workshops with students and staff. In addition, he will deliver lectures on the importance of community collaboration and the roots of Peace Paper Project.
Sie lernen die grundlegenden Techniken des Papierschöpfens nach westlicher Methode kennen. Dabei werden ein- und mehrfarbige Blätter unterschiedlicher Größe hergestellt. Was wird aus Ihrem eigenen Papier: ein Kunstwerk? Oder ein Geschenk? Oder verwenden Sie es einfach so? Die verwendete Fasersubstanz wird vorab im St. Pauli Paper Studio mit einem Holländer aus gebrauchten Textilien hergestellt und steht für Sie im Kurs bereit.
After four years of being based out of the Lerchenstraße with Fabulous St. Pauli, Peace Paper Project's European HQ, St. Pauli Paper Studio, is relocating to the third story of 10 Oeverseestraße.
The new studio is 190 square meters, with such amenities as concrete floors, electricity, heat, floor-to-ceiling windows, full kitchen, bath and bedrooms for visiting artists.
This summer we will host several visiting artists from through out Europe and the USA. In addition, we will offer a series of open studios, one-day workshops and production paper projects. Contact us if you are interested in visiting the studio or being added to our mailing list.
Peace Paper Project's European HQ hosts Director of BluSeed Studios, Carol Vossler and Cedar Crest College Art Therapy Intern
Isabel Pichardo for a month of community paper workshops and fine art making in the studio.
Situated in the heart of one of Hamburg's most culturally dynamic neighborhoods Karoviertel, the Vorwerkstift is a collaboration between the city, Vorwerk foundation and the Vorwerkstift artists. The 19th Century Asylum was abandoned after the Second World War and was converted into an artist working & living space in the 1980's. The Vorwerk residents are selected from a rigorous application & interview process that repeats annually. Vorwerk offers a unique design to the other artist houses of Hamburg, in that artists are limited to a five-year stay. This makes the Vorwerk a revolving door of artists from all around the world. Currently, it houses artists from Argentina, Chilé, Finland, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Syria, United States...
University of Vermont Professor Steve Kostell will spend one-month conducting special papermaking projects, collaborating with Drew Matott & Jana Schumacher to create an exhibition titled Atmospheric Noise: New Works on and of Paper.
The artists will explore Atmospheric Noise in concept and representation, employing digital and analog processes in the manipulation and production of works on and of paper.
Atmospheric noise is defined as radio noise caused by natural processes, as lightning discharges in thunderstorms. It can also be described as that of mechanical devices in a building or layers of conversations in a crowd of people.
Consideration will be given to interpreting Atmospheric Noise in political, social and environmental conditions, employing paper to reflect and record conditions on the surface - which otherwise may be left to the periphery.
As part of the International Summer Academy for Art & Design, Drew Matott & Jana Schumacher will use rags collected from the streets of St. Pauli to conduct one-day papermaking for fine artists workshop.
PIECES to PEACE: Veterans Writing Project is a collaboration with University of the Pacific Art Department, Delta College Veterans Service Center, American Legion Karl Ross Post 16 and Tuleburg Press/The Write Place. The nine-month program offers veterans the opportunity or create handmade paper made from an article of their personal military clothing and transform the hidden stories of their war experiences into poetry & art.
Peace Paper Project is thrilled to have the opportunity to conduct the initial papermaking workshops with veterans and members of the community.
Cornell Cooperative Extension is comitted to providing unbiased, educational outreach to the North Country through research, education and demonstration in Food and Agricultural Systems, Life Skills, Community Enhancement, Rural Stewardship, and Youth Development.
As part of the North Wind Day Camp, Peace Paper Project will conduct a one-day papermaking workshop. Camp goers will use a bicycle-powered pulping machine to transform flowers, grasses and sheep dung into beautiful sheets of handmade paper.
Individuals living with mental illness struggle in many ways:
Mental illness affects the psyche of individuals and their ability to maintain employment. It can leave them with poor social skills so that they have difficulty interacting with community social groups. Their income is limited and many live on a subsistence level. Furthermore, the stigma of mental illness prevents members of the outside community from reaching out to help these individuals.
For a fifth year, Drew Matott is teaming up with mental health services providers and consumers to do a series of papermaking workshops that promote social engagement, build confidence and address stigma. These workshops are in direct collaboration with St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center and North Country Transitional Living Housing Unit.
The Seaway House is a clubhouse based on the emerging concepts of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, promoting individual recovery through the process of skill development. It has developed into a program that encourages independence, hope, empowerment, and choice. It's staff & members are committed to promoting the rights of members and eliminating the barriers which separate persons living with mental illness from their neighbors.
Peace Paper Project returns to the Seaway House for the eighth year in a row to conduct a day of papermaking activities. Members of the Seaway House will be able to Pulp Print self-portraits onto paper made from old rags gathered from the community.
Since 1851, the mission of The Children's Village has been to work in partnership with families to help society's most vulnerable children so that they become educationally proficient, economically productive, and socially responsible members of their communities.
For the seventh year in a row, Peace Paper Project will be teaching an ongoing papermaking and printmaking workshop for the residents at Children's Village. In addition to Pedal Power and Pulp Printing, the team will make Nepalese-style pulp paintings.
The BCA Summer Artist Market creates a vibrant and contemporary outdoor market in the heart of downtown Burlington every Saturday for the summer season. It offers unique, handmade items by Vermont artists and this year's market features a diverse offering of ceramics, jewelry, games, clothing, accessories, and, of course, an annual Peace Paper Project street intervention!
Johnny LaFalce & Drew Matott team up with A Revolutionary Press to transform a message of hate into love by pedal pulping Make America Great Again shirts and printing broadsides with market goers.
Since the foundation of Peace Paper Project in 2011, Saint Lawrence University has been a continued supporter through purchasing new works, hosting annual workshops and providing studio space for specific projects.
Drew Matott, Johnny LaFalce & photographer Tom Lascell return to SLU to lecture and conduct papermaking workshops with Fine Art students. The duo will assist students with making perfect blank sheets for printmaking, bookbinding and drawing.
In addition, the team will install a DIY bathtub Hollander beater and train students how to use it at SLU's Sustainability Farm Program.
In 2001 Carol Marie Vossler teamed up with community members to convert an abandoned 1930's pipe fitting warehouse into the dynamic arts center called BluSeed Studios. Since opening its doors BluSeed has hosted fine art workshops, concerts and artist's residencies.
Peace Paper Project will be conducting a community papermaking engagement.
Peace Paper Project will demonstrate it's portable paper studio, engaging UVM Innovation & Entrepreneurship students to use the bicycle-powered pulper to transform student's clothing and fibers from Peace Paper Project's recent travels making paper with refugees in Germany and war veterans in the US. Throughout the interactive demonstration, students will learn about the history of papermaking as both an ancient craft, but also how it is being used as a form of socially engaged art and art therapy.
By using both local and far-away fibers, students will be able to connect local connections and international work; while creating their own personal expressions regarding international activism, as well as arts & healing.
The Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling Program at Ursuline College provides education and training in art therapy and professional counseling. Students learn to aid clients in exploring personal potentials and problems through both visual and verbal expression.
For the third time, Art Therapist Gretchen Miller & Drew Matott are teaming up to teach a Graduate class titled Papemaking as Social Action and Trauma Intervention.
This course will introduce students to the therapeutic qualities of papermaking as a form of social
action, trauma recovery, and transformation. Students will also experience the papermaking
process and engage in learning different papermaking techniques and approaches.
September 16 - 20
Unit One/Allen Hall University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, Illinois
Unit One/Allen Hall is a creative and engaging community in a small college environment, featuring about 60 credit-granting courses, arts facilities, private music lessons, performances, educational events, volunteer activities, and a renowned Guest-in-Residence program.
Unit One/Allen Hall hosts Peace Paper for a fifth year. This year the daily engagements in front of Allen Hall invite students to pedal power pulps and make paper art that seeks to educate and activate youth voting.
Peace Paper Project will be artist-in-residence, conducting papermaking workshops; with an emphasis on Nepalese-style and pulp painting techniques.
Stadtteilschule Wilhelmsburg is a public education school located on Europe's largest river island just outside Hamburg's city center. The school has 1250 students, 185 employees, and services Pre-K through 10th grades.
This year's Culture Project Week's theme is diversity and brings into focus artistic questions of identity-formation through a cross-cultural background. Peace Paper Project joins eight other artists and art groups to conduct a week of programming with students.
Specifically, PPP will run a program titled: Global Papermaking, Global Diversity. This five-day program celebrates the history of humanity by retracing the development of papermaking as it spread and was adopted by different cultures across the globe.
Students will discover the importance of papermaking throughout history and develop a personal connection to their own lives. They will learn about the social, environmental, economic and religious factors for the varied cultural adaptations of papermaking. They will use traditional tools and fibers to make paper in a myriad of traditions, following the major developments in the history of papermaking, including making paper in the most contemporary methods used today.
The professional association of visual artists of Hamburg will host two consecutive weekends of open studios in September. Around 80 studios with over 100 artists and several artists' houses will open there doors to showcase their creative working environments.
PEACE of PAPER is a volunteer organisation comprised of artists & activists living in Munich. It uses printmaking workshops to conduct integration workshops. The project brings together migrants, refugees and others from the Bavarian community to celebrate diversity and humanity.
Drew Matott, Peace Paper Project's director will greet visitors and offer interactive tours of PPP's HQ St. Pauli Paper Studio. Visitors will be invited to make paper out of clothing gathered from the streets. All the paper made will be donated to PEACE of PAPER for use during integration workshops in Munich.
The Hines VA is the first VA hospital to have papermaking as an ongoing art therapy program. Since 2012, Hines veteran participation in the Veteran Paper Workshops has become so popular that the Peace Paper Project now offers introductory, intermediate, and advanced papermaking classes, in addition to in-patient workshop programming.
Drew Matott returns to the Hines VA to conduct focused workshops for beginning and advanced papermaking classes. Participants will make paper art while further developing a relationship between the arts and healing.
Join us at Northeastern Illinois University on October 17th for the 10th Annual Art in Response to Violence Conference. Conference presenters will demonstrate and discuss diverse ways of using the arts to express, document, and heal the experiences of those who have been affected by violence.
During this dynamic one-day conference there will be opportunities for participants to explore the conference theme through presentations including dance and writing workshops, as well as an art exhibit.
Drew Matott, from the Peace Paper Project, will offer a lecture and a workshop.
Papier Offizin is a production paper mill located outside teh old city walls of Nuremberg, Germany. It was founded by Master Papermaker Matthias Schwethelm.
As part of Nuremberg's open studio celebration Gastspiel, Drew Matott will conduct pulp printing demonstrations at Papieroffizin.
The mission of the American Art Therapy Association is to advocate for expansion of access to professional art therapists and lead the nation in the advancement of art therapy as a regulated mental health and human services profession. It represents individuals and institutions who are dedicated to the art therapy profession and who have an interest in promoting its growth throughout the United States.
At AATA's 50th Annual Conference Drew Matott will receive the Rudolph Arnhem Award, designated for a non-member whose contributions have significantly impacted the art therapy profession as a whole.
The Hines VA is the first VA hospital to have papermaking as an ongoing art therapy program. Since 2012, Hines veteran participation in the Veteran Paper Workshops has become so popular that the Peace Paper Project now offers introductory, intermediate, and advanced papermaking classes, in addition to in-patient workshop programming.
Drew Matott returns to the Hines VA to conduct focused workshops for beginning and advanced papermaking classes. Participants will make paper art while further developing a relationship between the arts and healing.
University of Wisconsin's Peck School of the Arts presents Artists Now!, an evening lecture series that presents a diverse group of artists working across traditional, hybrid and emergent disciplines.
Drew Matott will present on his life's work using traditional hand papermaking as a vehicle for social justice, art therapy, community engagement, and fine artmaking.
The Veterans History Project of the American Folklife Center collects, preserves, and makes accessible the personal accounts of American war veterans so that future generations may hear directly from veterans and better understand the realities of war.
Director of Peace Paper Project, Drew Matott presents on the genesis of Combat Paper and subsequent development of Peace Paper Project. The presentation will illustrate his longtime collaboration with veterans, his early paper-street-art in Chicago, his MFA thesis at Columbia College and his vision and curatorial actions through Co-Directing the project from 2006 to 2011.
Considered the premier American art museum in the South, the GCMA is home to the world's largest public collection of watercolors by iconic American artist Andrew Wyeth.It also has an impressive collection of paintings and prints by contemporary artist Jasper Johns, the largest institutional collection of pottery by enslaved artisan David Drake, and the largest collection outside the Smithsonian of works by South Carolina-born artist William H. Johnson. Ranging from Federal portraits to contemporary abstractions, the GCMA's acclaimed Southern Collection invites viewers to survey American art history through works with ties to the South.
Greenville County Museum of Art's weekly program Sundays at 2 hosts Drew Matott who will deliver an artists talk about his personal experiences using the paper arts as a form of art therapy, social engagement and fine art making around the world.
The Rensing Center is an artist retreat and residence center located in rural South Carolina. Peace Paper Project has been fortunate to have been visiting artists, guests in residence and teaching artists several times since 2011.
The Fine Arts Center of Greenville, SC provides arts instruction to students who are artistically talented and wish to take an intensive pre-professional program of study. Students are selected on the basis of talent, interest and commitment to their discipline and study architecture, theatre/theatre design, dance, visual arts, music, creative writing, or digital filmmaking.
This year, Peace Paper Project will teach at the Fine Arts Center and rest at the Rensing Center.
Massachusetts College of Liberal Art is committed to creating a campus climate and culture of mutual respect that represents and honors diversity in our society. It celebrates diversity and affirms the dignity and worth of all people. They intentionally integrate topics of social, cultural, and physical diversity in the curricular, co-curricular, and work life of the community.
MCLA brings Peace Paper Project to campus to conduct a Papermaking as Personal Transformation workshop with fine art students.
The Hamburger Volkshochschule was founded 100 years ago as an affordable school for the adult community and exists in 900 cities throughout Germany.
Peace Paper Project offeres a one-day workshop titled Paper as a Transformative Process, where community members are invited to bring in their old clothing and transform them into meaningful works of paper art.
Aus Kleidern wird Papier
Gemeinsam erarbeiten wir grundlegende Techniken des Papierschöpfens nach westlicher Methode. Wir formen einfarbige und mehrfarbige Blätter unterschiedlicher Größe zum persönlichen und künstlerischen Gebrauch. Ein Schwerpunkt ist das Upcycling persönlicher Kleidungsstücke: Mit Hilfe eines „Holländers“ verarbeiten Sie z.B. Ihr altes Lieblingsshirt zu Fasermasse, um daraus Blätter unterschiedlicher Größe und Farbigkeit zu formen.
Ringling Institute of Art Galleries includes exhibitions that celebrate the work and production of students, faculty, alumni and the greater community. Each semester, one of the four galleries hosts an exhibition of internationally known individuals.
For the spring semester of 2018, Willis Smith Gallery at Ringling hosts an exhibition of artwork and ephemera from the living archive of the Peace Paper Project, located at the Robert B. Haas Family Library at Yale University.
As part of the exhibition Peace Paper Project Director Drew Matott will conduct a skype-lecture. He will talk about his personal journey using papermaking as social engagement through programs like Combat Paper, Peace Paper Project and most recently working with refugees in Europe & America.
Friday, January 12, 5-7pm, Willis Smith Gallery-Opening Reception
Tuesday, February 13, 11:30am - 12:15pm, Larry R. Thompson Academic Center Auditorium- Drew Matott will participate in a Skype conversation.
Monday, February 19, 11:30am - 2:15pm, Larry R. Thompson Academic Center Auditorium- Jae Jennifer Rossman, Associate Director for Special Collections & Public Programs, Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library, Yale University, will discuss the Archive at Yale and the Peace Paper Project.
Under the direction of Dariusz Subocz, the Museum of Literature and Printing has been building Hollander beaters for Universities in Poland for over ten years.
Peace Paper Project collaborator and contributing artist Markus Armbrecht and Drew Matott will spend a few days at the Museum, working with Mr. Subocz and staff to build a hollander beater roll. Their research & development visitation is part of a greater initiative to design and build a 200 gram capacity Hollander beater that can be built using materials gathered from hardware stores.
The Goethe-Schule is a public high school situated in Hamburg-Harburg and has received honorable mention from the EU for its emphasis on social integration and sustainability.
Peace Paper Project facilitator's Jana Schumacher and Drew Matott return as educators-in-residence at Goethe-Schule. The two will be engaging the student body in a week of papermaking workshops. The program of sustainability in the arts, focuses on using pedal power, raw plant fibers from the school grounds, vegetable waste from the cafeteria and clothing from the students. The visitation culminates with a small exhibition of pieces created.
Jana Schumacher & Drew Matott will spend a month in Thailand, travelling with the portable Hollander beater, touring paper mills, museums and other papermaking initiatives throughout the country.
Gabriel Project Mumbai (GPM) is an NGO caring for vulnerable children and their communities in slums and under-served rural villages of Maharashtra, India, as a grassroots response to poverty, malnutrition, ill-health hunger and child labor in India.
Naya is a new innovative, grassroots paper recycling initiative aimed at empowering women to improve their community environment in the Mumbai slum of Kalwa. Naya, which means "new" in Hindi and which is run and implemented by women in the slums under GPM supervision, takes waste paper and turns it into paper products such as notepads, printing paper, coasters. The women employed in the initiative are locally trained in recycling waste paper and creating beautiful new pieces using imagination and skill.
Peace Paper Project facilitators Jana Schumacher and Drew Matott are teaming up with Gabriel Project Mumbai and Adit Goschalk to help further develop the Naya Women's Waste-Paper Recycling Business. The team will spend two weeks making improvements on the studio and teaching new paper techniques, with a focus on production papermaking for soap wrapping, hotel notepads, and handmade books.
International Print Center New York hosts a major exhibition tracing the growth and use of hand papermaking by artists since the 1960's. The exhibition is curated by Susan Gosin & Mina Takahashi and includes such major artists as Robert Rauschenberg, Kiki Smith, Frank Stella and John Risseeuw.
Peace Paper Project is represented in the exhibition through co-founders Drew Matott & Margaret Mahan Sheperd's collaborative piece unmentionables: panty pulping portfolio.
Situated in the heart of one of Hamburg's most culturally dynamic neighborhoods Karoviertel, the Vorwerkstift is a collaboration between the city, Vorwerk foundation and the Vorwerkstift artists. The 19th Century Asylum was abandoned after the Second World War and was converted into an artist working & living space in the 1980's. The Vorwerk residents are selected from a rigorous application & interview process that repeats annually. Vorwerk offers a unique design to the other artist houses of Hamburg, in that artists are limited to a five-year stay. This makes the Vorwerk a revolving door of artists from all around the world. Currently, it houses artists from Argentina, Chilé, Finland, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Syria, United States...
The house hosts weekly art exhibitions in Galerie 21. Every year, the house, gallery and greater Marketstraße community celebrate the artists & residents of the Vowerkstift with a weekend of music, performances, film screenings, flea-market, glitter-galore, tight-pants and an extreme fog machine! This years celebration has been coined Limonalé and spans three-days.
As part of the Limonalé, Peace Paper Project facilitators Jana Schumacher & Drew Matott will exhibit their paper art, promote the St. Pauli Paper Studio programs and conduct an ongoing interactive pedal-powered papermaking workshop in the Garden.
The Hamburger Volkshochschule was founded 100 years ago as an affordable school for the adult community and exists in 900 cities throughout Germany.
Peace Paper Project offeres a two-day workshop titled Paper as a Transformative Process, where community members are invited to bring in their old clothing and transform them into meaningful works of paper art.
The Umsonstfest is an open and non-commercial district festival that showcases the best of Hamburg's self-organizing initiatives. Through its support of free-space, free-culture, and free-human experience, it is a community action that opposes the increasing commercialization of public space. It provides a framework for public display, on which to exchange ideas and projects to people and groups that are musical, artistically or creatively active.
Peace Paper Project is honored to be using pedal power to engage festival-goers to make paper from discarded community rags.
Why Not Café? provides social, language and legal programs for refugees seeking integration into Germany. Peace Paper Project will conduct a one-day pedal power papermaking workshop, pulp printing German texts and personal images from students and other consumers at the Why Not Café?.
The Museum of Literature and Printing was founded in 2004 in Grębocin. It features remarkable private collections related to papermaking and printing that are presented to the public through interactive educational workshops.
Peace Paper Project collaborating artists and workshop facilitators Markus Armbrecht, Jana Schumacher, Emma Krueger, Johnny LaFalce and Drew Matott return to Grębocin, Poland for an artist & teaching residency. The residency consists of a five-day collaborative workshop with fine art faculty from universities in Poland, Belarus & Ukraine. Participants in the workshop will learn the fundamentals of traditional papermaking while pursuing experimental applications of the paper arts.
Pérez Art Museum Miami is a modern and contemporary art museum dedicated to collecting and exhibiting international art of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Their mission is to be a leader in the presentation, study, interpretation, and care of international modern and contemporary art, while representing Miami-Dade and cherishing the unique viewpoint of its peoples. Through exhibitions and programs, they aim to encourage everyone to see art as an incentive for genuine human interaction, communication, and exchange.
As part of the educational programming in conjunction with the exhibition Meiro Koizumi: Battlelands, Peace Paper Project will be conducting a day of public & private Veteran Papermaking Workshops.
Cornell Cooperative Extension is comitted to providing unbiased, educational outreach to the North Country through research, education and demonstration in Food and Agricultural Systems, Life Skills, Community Enhancement, Rural Stewardship, and Youth Development.
As part of the North Wind Day Camp, Peace Paper Project will conduct a one-day papermaking workshop. Camp goers will use a bicycle-powered pulping machine to transform flowers, grasses and sheep dung into beautiful sheets of handmade paper.
Individuals living with mental illness struggle in many ways:
Mental illness affects the psyche of individuals and their ability to maintain employment. It can leave them with poor social skills so that they have difficulty interacting with community social groups. Their income is limited and many live on a subsistence level. Furthermore, the stigma of mental illness prevents members of the outside community from reaching out to help these individuals.
For a fourth year, Drew Matott is teaming up with mental health services providers and consumers to do a series of papermaking workshops that promote social engagement, build confidence and address stigma. These workshops are in direct collaboration with St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center and North Country Transitional Living Housing Unit.
The Seaway House is a clubhouse based on the emerging concepts of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, promoting individual recovery through the process of skill development. It has developed into a program that encourages independence, hope, empowerment, and choice. It's staff & members are committed to promoting the rights of members and eliminating the barriers which separate persons living with mental illness from their neighbors.
Peace Paper Project returns to the Seaway House for the seventh year in a row to conduct a day of papermaking activities. Members of the Seaway House will be able to Pulp Print self-portraits onto paper made from old rags gathered from the community.
Generator is a combination of artist studios, classroom, and business incubator at the intersection of art, science, and technology. It provide tools, expertise, education, and opportunity - to enable all members of our community to create, collaborate, and to make their ideas reality.
Peace Paper Project will be makers-in-residence, building a low-cost DIY-style hollander beater.
Since 1851, the mission of The Children's Village has been to work in partnership with families to help society's most vulnerable children so that they become educationally proficient, economically productive, and socially responsible members of their communities.
For the seventh year in a row, Peace Paper Project will be teaching an ongoing papermaking and printmaking workshop for the residents at Children's Village. In addition to Pedal Power and Pulp Printing, the team will make Nepalese-style pulp paintings.
Since the foundation of Peace Paper Project in 2011, Saint Lawrence University has been a continued supporter through purchasing new works, hosting annual workshops and providing studio space for specific projects.
Drew Matott, Johnny LaFalce & photographer Tom Lascell return to SLU to lecture and conduct papermaking workshops with Fine Art students. The duo will assist students with making perfect blank sheets for printmaking, bookbinding and drawing. In addition, students will be offered small group sessions, where they are able to make paper from their own personal materials.
Peace Paper Project has been collaborating with A Revolutionary Press since 2011, custom making paper from military uniforms, American Flags, refugee clothing and underwear. This year, the two organizations will be joining forces to engage the public in an interactive papermaking and printing street intervention.
We invite you to join us during the South End Art Hop to pedal power manure into a pulpy slurry, pull sheets of paper, take a pre-made dried sheet and print a postcard designed by A Revolutionary Press to send to your elected officials...not before adorning it with a personalized message of course!
Friday, September 7, outside the Generator.
Saturday, September 8, in City Hall Park at the Burlington City Arts Artist Market.
Peace Paper Project will demonstrate it's portable paper studio, engaging UVM Innovation & Entrepreneurship students to use the bicycle-powered pulper to transform manure from UVM's horse farm, farming waste from the intervale, and fibers from Peace Paper Project's recent travels making paper with refugees in Germany and war veterans in the US. Throughout the interactive demonstration, students will learn about the history of papermaking as both an ancient craft, but also how it is being used as a form of socially engaged art and art therapy.
By using both local and far-away fibers, students will be able to connect local connections and international work; while creating their own personal expressions regarding international activism, as well as arts & healing.
September 16 - 20
Unit One/Allen Hall University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, Illinois
Unit One/Allen Hall is a creative and engaging community in a small college environment, featuring about 60 credit-granting courses, arts facilities, private music lessons, performances, educational events, volunteer activities, and a renowned Guest-in-Residence program.
Unit One/Allen Hall hosts Peace Paper for a fifth year. This year the daily engagements in front of Allen Hall invite students to pedal power pulps and make paper art that seeks to educate and activate youth voting.
Participants will be able to celebrate democracy & freedom while expressing political views by pulp printing images and text onto paper made from shredded currency, pulped American flags, paper ballots and political advertisements.
Since the invention of paper by the Chinese two thousand years ago, papermaking has traversed the globe, with each culture adapting its different fibers, tools, and techniques. The 19th-century industrialization of papermaking processes pulping trees almost completely eradicated the varied and unique processes that existed across the globe. The 21rst-century marks a new era for papermaking: the portable, pedal-powered papermaking studio.
Peace Paper Project has used the new portable model to help bring traditional and contemporary practices back to communities, specifically designing community-based papermaking studios that use the paper arts for healing and community empowerment. Since 2011, Peace Peace has helped launch 40 studios across the globe; in Australia, India, Turkey, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Spain, UK and throughout the USA.
Drew Matott & Jana Schumacher are hosted by the Art & Art Therapy Program and Allentown Art Museum to bring Global Paper & papermaking as a socially engaged art practice to Book Arts, Printmaking, Papermaking, Art Therapy, Psychology and Social Work students.
The Anne Frank Project is a student run organisation at State University College at Buffalo. It provides tools and vocabulary for conflict resolution, community building, and identity exploration in communities and schools world-wide.
As part of this years Social Justic Festival, Anne Frank Project hosts Peace Paper Project for a series of public papermaking interventions, campus lectures and an art exhibition in the Czurles-Nelson Gallery.
Washington State University is a land grant liberal arts school founded in 1989 located on 350 acres of beautiful countryside and has over 250,000 alumni around the world! WSU is a true believer in training the leaders of the future.
Peace Paper Project is hosted by the Chancellors Office and conducts two weeks of public & private workshops at both Vancouver & Tri-City campuses.
The workshops at Vancouver Campus are led by members of student Government and volunteers, assisting students in the transformation of their personal clothing into handmade paper.
The workshops at the TriCities Campus focus on conducting a Veteran Paper Workshop, celebrating the service of student veterans through transforming uniforms into paper.
The Veterans Resource Center at Clark College helps veterans and their dependents network & connect to resources and support available to them at Clark College and in the local community.
Gold Star Mother, Art Therapist and Peace Paper Project facilitator Meredith McMackin joins Drew Matott to conduct a one-day Veteran Paper Workshop with Clark College Veterans.
Avila University's Fine Art Program gives students real-world experience as they work through a rigorous curriculum that provides them professional training. Students work directly with professional artists and scholars as they engage in an academic setting and perform their art for the community.
The Thornhill Art Gallery brings exhibits from local, national and internationally known artists to campus. Peace Paper Project is honored to have an exhibition of artworks created by its many programs and collaborating artists.
Drew Matott will conduct workshops & lectures with students and community organizations.
Salina Art Center received a National Endowment for the Arts Grant to fund the establishment of a community papermaking studio. One of the goals of this studio is to provide art therapy and alternative art therapies for survivors of trauma (including, but not limited to, military veterans and survivors of terrorism), cancer survivors, children and adults who have survived abuse and individuals living with mental illness.
Peace Paper Project facilitator, Drew Matott will be joined by collaborator Larry Davis in a one-week long residency at the Salina Art Center's Warehouse Studio. The team will conduct a series of papermaking workshops with the Salina community and will be working with the School of Art & Design to create a low-cost DIY Hollander beater.
The Community Arts Program at The Peck School of Arts, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee provides a professional framework for students interested in social engagement, environmental issues, community building, public art, and place-making. The program also focuses on the arts as a tool for enriching community life, affirming cultural identity, and pursuing political and social justice goals.
Peace Paper Project facilitator Drew Matott will conduct a series of lectures and workshops with students from the program and with survivors of gun violence in the community.
The Hines VA is the first VA hospital to have papermaking as an ongoing art therapy program. Since 2012, Hines veteran participation in the papermaking workshops has become so popular that Peace Paper Project now offers introductory, intermediate, and advanced papermaking classes, in addition to in-patient workshop programming.
Drew Matott returns to the Hines VA to conduct focused workshops for beginning and advanced papermaking classes. Participants will make paper art while further developing a relationship between the arts and healing.
The College of Fine Arts at The University of Texas at Austin prepares students for the creation, practice, study, criticism and teaching of the arts, in a context that emphasizes cultural diversity, community engagement and technical innovation.
The College is dedicated to advancing the arts through research and the creation of new work, preserving the past while striving to define the future of artistic traditions. It is committed to exploring the interrelationships among the arts and among other disciplines.
Through presenting performances and exhibitions, the College seeks to deepen the understanding of the arts, to expand audiences, and to enrich the quality of life at the University, in our community, our state, our nation and the world.
Book Artist & Poet Kyle Schleshinger and Drew Matott return to the College of Fine Arts at UT for a series of papermaking and printmaking workshops with students. Drew will work with students and faculty to train them on the portable paper studio, in preparation of loaning the school the Portable Paper Studio.
The Suzanne H. Arnold Art Gallery is recognized as one of the region's foremost spaces in which to experience the achievements of internationally renowned artists and art movements of yesterday and today. Housed in a former church in the medieval-revival style, the Gallery is host to five to six exhibitions a year, with loans from major national and regional art museums, galleries, and collectors.
As part of Arts & MIlitary, "Witness to War" exhibition, Drew Matott will conduct a Veteran Paper Workshop titled Communicating the Military Experience through Papermaking.
The Strzemiński Academy of Art Łódź was established in 1945 as the Łódź State Art School and is based on the achievements of the city's pre-war avantgarde community with such excellent artists as Władysław Strzemiński, Stefan Wegner, Katarzyna Kobro, Karol Hiller and Samuel Szczekacz.
On the 70th year anniversary of the universities founding, it will host an International Conference to accompany the fifth annual ECO MAKE Festival 2018. As part of the theme RESPONSIBLE DESIGN, WHAT DOES IT MEAN?, Peace Paper Project will host a bicycle powered papermaking workshop, recycling rags & other materials.
Generator is a combination of artist studios, classroom, and business incubator at the intersection of art, science, and technology. It provide tools, expertise, education, and opportunity - to enable all members of our community to create, collaborate, and to make their ideas reality.
At the monthly Members meeting, Drew Matott & Jana Schumacher will deliver a skype-lecture explaining their joint makers-in-residence this past August & September. Matott will discuss how he constructed a low-cost DIY-style hollander beater and is publishing the design as free & open source, with the intention to inspire a new generation of Hallander Beater builders. Schumacher will discuss the work she created using the laser cutter for her Berlin exhibition (satellite images of major storm systems onto large pieces of acrylic).
Vorwerk is an arts residency based in Hamburg, Germany and was established 25 years ago. K34 is an arts collective based in Kiel, Germany that is dedicated to bringing international artists into the Gaarden district of Kiel, an area full of diversity as well as poverty.
Import/Export is an exchange of these artist collectives that culminate with two art exhibitions. For the first portion, residents of the Vorwerk are invited to exhibit new works in the Old Schleckermarkt Gallery at Kiel-Gaarden.
Peace Paper Project will be in-residence in and outside the gallery, conducting pedal powered and pulp printing papermaking workshops. These workshops are designed to celebrate the diversity of the Gaarden community while expressing tolerance and unity.
The Goethe-Schule is a public high school situated in Hamburg-Harburg and has received honorable mention from the EU for its emphasis on social integration and sustainability.
Peace Paper Project facilitator's Jana Schumacher and Drew Matott are educators-in-residence at Goethe-Schule. The two will be engaging the student body in a week of papermaking workshops. The program of sustainability in the arts, focuses on using pedal power, raw plant fibers from the school grounds, vegetable waste from the cafeteria and clothing from the students. The visitation culminates with a small exhibition of pieces created.
Florida International University is Miami's first and only public research university, offering bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees.
Critical Social Practice is a course at FIU and taught by Prefessor Michael Namkung. It explores the diverse range of socially engaged practices and subversive strategies that exist within a contemporary artistic practice.
Drew Matott will deliver a lecture via skype discussing the history of Peace Paper Project and how it's using the paper arts as a vehicle for healing and social change around the world.
Jana Schumacher is a visual artist based in Hamburg, Germany and has been facilitating papermaking workshops with Peace Paper for one year! For the Woven Time exhibition at Richard F. Brush Gallery, she has selected fine artists from Hamburg to create new works using hand paper practices.
The group of artists will attend two workshops to introduce them to one another and to the St. Pauli Paper Studio where they will have 7 months access to create their work.
Sultan, Jana, David and Drew conduct three days of papermaking with immigrants at the Bergedorf resident activities facility. The group will set up the portable papermaking studio inside the facility and hold a series of papermaking, calligraphy and bookbinding workshops for youth and adult immigrants.
BluSeed Studios was created by Carol Vossler in 2002 as a dynamic community studio arts center. It is housed in an old pipe fitting warehouse in the central Adirondacks. BluSeed Studios are outfitted with ceramic, etching, letterpress, drawing, painting and papermaking studios. BluSeed offers artist residencies, poetry readings, and regular concerts; and has hosted Peace Paper Project for numerous residencies and workshops since 2011.
BluSeed Studios� Professional Arts Educator Development (PAED) Program
brings professional artists and educators from all disciplines together
for a series of multi-day workshops available throughout the year.
core aspect of this initiative is to advance pedagogy in the classroom via
studio arts. Attendees will receive studio experience, creating art
side-by-side with their colleagues while they expand their knowledge base
through learning new techniques to enrich their classes.
Upon workshop
completion, they will have an opportunity to exhibit their work, and spend
time with new friends and colleagues in this beautiful Adirondack setting.
As part of the PAED Program, Drew Matott will be teaching a papermaking class on pulp printing, where students will create their own silkscreen image designs and print them onto freshly formed sheets of paper made from their own pulped clothes.
The Center for Book Arts was founded in 1974 and is located in Manhattan. It is dedicated to exploring and cultivating contemporary aesthetic interpretations of the book as an art object, while preserving the traditional practices of the art of the book.
Drew Matott will join panelists on the topic of Paper as Agent for Social Practice and Engagement to present on Peace Paper programs working with United States Military service men & women, ex-combatants and survivors of the Troubles in the United Kingdom, soldiers from the border conflict in Ukraine and refugees from the Middle East.
The University of Vermont is a public research university and, since 1862, the state of Vermont's sole land-grant university.
Drew Matott will be a guest artist in the Department of Art & Art History, where he will be teaching papermaking and bookbinding designs to book art students. In addition, students will bind journals that will be used during art programs for refugees resettling in Vermont.
As the second largest school system in Georgia, the Cobb County School District (CCSD) is responsible for educating more than 111,000 students in a diverse, constantly changing suburban environment.
After last year's visit to CCSD, art instructor Patsy Rausch secured a grant to establish a portable papermaking studio for the school district to use. This year, Drew Matott and Jana Schumacher will conduct papermaking workshops with students and staff. In addition, they will deliver lectures on the importance of community collaboration and the roots of Peace Paper Project.
The Veteran Alliance of Texas State (VATS) was founded in 2008 to ensure that veterans currently enrolled and veterans entering Texas State University are aware of all organizations, services, and opportunities afforded to them. It works to establish a sense of pride in service, provide networking, and create a platform through which their voices may be heard.
For the seventh year in a row, Peace Paper will provide VATS with programming that promotes their organisation and connects student veterans to one another and civilian students through creativity.
Guided by the principles of human compassion and dignity, Refugee Services of Texas welcomes refugees, immigrants, and other displaced people and supports them in integrating and thriving in their new communities.
Founded in 1978, Refugee Services of Texas is a social service agency dedicated to providing services to refugees and other displaced persons fleeing persecution based on race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, and/or political opinion and also to the communities that welcome them.
Peace Paper Project facilitators Drew Matott & Jana Schumacher return to Austin to conduct two-days of papermaking workshops with refugees.
Drew Matott and Cuneiform Founder and Director Kyle Schlesinger will collaborate to print words of encouragement and hope from refugees onto paper made from their clothing.
From Cuneiform's website: For over a decade, Cuneiform Press has specialized in publishing poetry, artists' books, and books-about-books in the tradition of the independent press. Cuneiform is committed to publishing enduring (and occasionally ephemeral) works that negotiate critical and creative thinking, merging the latest industry trends with historically-informed typographic practices to foreground the state of the book in our contemporary cultural climate.
A People's Curriculum for the United States is a public poster project written, printed, and distributed by the people and for the people. A People's Curriculum for the United States asks what America needs to (re)learn under the Trump Administration.
The SAFE Alliance utilizes the SafePlace campus to provide housing, healing, and support for individuals and families affected by domestic violence, and sexual assault and exploitation through prevention and intervention services.
Members of Peace Paper Project and Austin Community College will conduct a one-day papermaking workshop with SafePlace.
A Reason To Survive (ARTS) is a nationally recognized organization that believes in the power of the arts and creativity to literally transform lives - especially those of kids. They believe in the therapeutic powers of the arts, but are not clinical art therapists. They use all forms of art as a vehicle to create positive, long-lasting change and transformation in children and youth facing major life challenges. By providing a sequential program model of therapeutic arts programs, arts education, and college & career preparation, ARTS provides a one-stop-shop for youth to move from crisis to college or career.
Peace Paper Project will conduct a series of papermaking workshops in collaboration with A Reason To Survive. The workshops will expose participants to traditional hand papermaking by transforming old clothing into paper using both a motorized, pedal powered hollander beater and will work with various community groups during the day and with youth artists from ARTS in the afternoon.
The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is a four-year public university located in the Town of Somers, between the cities of Kenosha and Racine, Wisconsin. Part of the University of Wisconsin System, the school has 4,769 students and 125 full-time faculty.
The Art Department at UW-Parkside holds immeasurable talent and skills. Stop into the art galleries housed within the beautiful Rita to broaden your artistic horizons and see the latest creations of our students and faculty along with regional and national artists.
Drew Matott will conduct a series of lectures and interactive demonstrations and a Panty Pulping intervention. The work with the student will culminate with a Peace Paper & Panty Pulping exhibition.
The Art Center at Esalen, commonly known as the Art Barn, is on the ocean cliffs next to the Leonard Pavilion and the Farm. It has served as the residence for many artists over the years as well as being the birthplace for latent creativity and the source of many stories.
Drew Matott & Jana Schumacher will conduct a five-day class for staff using traditional hand papermaking to support personal transformation and environmental mindfulness.
As a way to explore our relationship with ourselves, the people around us and our environment, students will share their personal stories by cutting up their clothing, gathering native & invasive plants and using a bicycle powered beater to transform it into sheets of handmade paper.
Drew Matott returns to Peace Paper Project's European Headquarters St. Pauli Paper Studio.
The atelier is situated in the heart of the St. Pauli district in Hamburg, shares space with Fabulous St. Pauli and a host of other visual and performong artists.
Matott will spend the two-and-a-half months hosting interns, conducting workshops and executing new works.
Peace Paper Project is pleased to offer an international internship program. The program brings six artists and activists together to learn the practice of papermaking as social engagement.
The interns will conduct workshops with a variety of German communities, including fine artists and immigrants. In addition, interns will have time to make their own explorations in papermaking while using the St. Pauli Paper Studio.
The Museum of Literature and Printing was founded in 2004 in Grębocin. It features remarkable private collections related to papermaking and printing that are presented to the public through interactive educational workshops.
Co-director of Peace Paper Project, Drew Matott returns to Grębocin, Poland for a teaching residency. The residency consists of a five-day workshop with fine art faculty from universities in Poland, Belarus & Ukraine. Participants in the workshop will learn the fundementals of traditional papermaking, pulp printing and working with raw fibers.
As part of the International Summer Academy for Art & Design, Drew Matott & Jana Schumacher will use rags collected from the streets of St. Pauli to conduct a one-day papermaking for fine artists workshop.
The Hines VA is the first VA hospital to have papermaking as an ongoing art therapy program. Since 2012, Hines veteran participation in the papermaking workshops has become so popular that Peace Paper now offers introductory, intermediate, and advanced papermaking classes, in addition to in-patient workshop programming.
Drew Matott returns to the Hines VA to conduct focused workshops for beginning and advanced papermaking classes. Participants will make paper art while further developing a relationship between the arts and healing.
Individuals living with mental illness struggle in many ways:
Mental illness affects the psyche of individuals and their ability to maintain employment. It can leave them with poor social skills so that they have difficulty interacting with community social groups. Their income is limited and many live on a subsistence level. Furthermore, the stigma of mental illness prevents members of the outside community from reaching out to help these individuals.
For a third year, Drew Matott is teaming up with mental health services providers and consumers to do a series of papermaking workshops that promote social engagement, build confidence and address stigma. These workshops are in direct collaboration with St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center and North Country Transitional Living Housing Unit.
The Seaway House is a clubhouse based on the emerging concepts of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, promoting individual recovery through the process of skill development. It has developed into a program that encourages independence, hope, empowerment, and choice. It's staff & members are committed to promoting the rights of members and eliminating the barriers which separate persons living with mental illness from their neighbors.
Peace Paper Project returns to the Seaway House for 6th year in a row to conduct a day of papermaking activities. Members of the Seaway House will be able to Pulp Print self-portraits onto paper made from old rags gathered from the community.
Drew Matott & Art Therapist Heidi Wagner are teaming up to conduct two days of Veteran Paper Workshops for Chalmers P. Wylie VA Ambulatory Care Center in Columbus, Ohio.
Since 1851, the mission of The Children's Village has been to work in partnership with families to help society's most vulnerable children so that they become educationally proficient, economically productive, and socially responsible members of their communities.
For the sixth year in a row, Peace Paper Project will be teaching an ongoing papermaking and printmaking workshop for the residents at Children's Village. In addition to Pedal Power and Pulp Printing, the team will conduct creative writing and mandala making exercises with the children.
August 23 - October 8 (Exhibition) September 3 - 10 (Campus Residency)
Since the foundation of Peace Paper in 2011, Saint Lawrence University has been a continued supporter through purchasing new works, hosting annual workshops and providing studio space for specific projects. In 2017, the Richard F. Brush Gallery and Department of Art and Art History host Woven Time an exhibition and campus visitation.
The exhibition draws from the Brush Galleries permanent collection to represent a historical and contemporary context of papermaking as socially concerned engagement; Peace Paper's 35 international studio programs that use papermaking as art therapy and social advocacy; and as an experimental approach, professional artists from Hamburg, Germany were invited to work for the first time with the medium of handmade paper, aiming to discover new approaches to a traditional material.
Peace Paper in collaboration with Champlain College Gallery and fine art professor Gorwi Savoor to bring Personal Reflections of Inner Light Lantern Promenade & Exhibit to Champlain College.
Through a series of papermaking, creative writing and lantern building workshops, first year students at Champlain College will be able to reflect on their past successes and failures, as a way to build a lantern of guiding light.
Students will be invited to bring in an article of clothing, old paper or essay, and some kind of past relic to be transformed into sheets of beautiful paper.
Once the paper is dry, students will have the opportunity to use creative writing to articulate their feelings about the material they transformed and what it has meant to them.
Students will then be able to make a paper lantern that will be showcased in a campus walk and exhibit at the end of the week.
Salina Art Center received a National Endowment for the Arts Grant to fund the establishment of a community papermaking studio. One of the goals of this studio is to provide art therapy and alternative art therapies for survivors of trauma (including, but not limited to, military veterans and survivors of terrorism), cancer survivors, children and adults who have survived abuse and individuals living with mental illness.
In addition, Salina Art Center intends to collaborate with Kansas Art Therapy Association to offer training sessions, papermaking classes for art therapists and students of art therapy and to design and conduct art therapy programs, using papermaking as a vehicle for healing, throughout Kansas.
Peace Paper is proud to revisit this innovative initiative through a two-week visitation that focuses on conducting papermaking with underprivileged populations in Salina.
Ashby House is the only full time shelter for families and single women in Kansas. Ashby House residences provide services, such as life skills, case management, mentoring, spiritual growth encouragement, educational opportunities, employment skills, and possibly most important, love and guidance from 24 hour staff.
Peace Paper Project kicks off its' residency at Salina Art Center with a Papermaking as Group Therapy workshop with residents and staff of the Ashby House.
Since 1948, Ozanam has helped thousands of at-risk youth with emotional, behavioral and learning disabilities. The goal is to help them heal from past trauma and learn new skills so they can be successful in their homes, schools and communities.
Peace Paper teams up with Ozanam staff and Avila University Art Therapy Students to do a one day Papermaking as Personal Transformation workshop.
October 1 - 6
Unit One/Allen Hall University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, Illinois
Unit One/Allen Hall hosts Peace Paper for a fourth year. This year the daily engagements in front of Allen Hall invites students to donate clothes, engage in the clothing swap, mend clothing using sewing machines and/or make paper from too ragged clothing.
As a way to raise awareness about where clothing is made and under what conditions, students will be asked to bring in old clothing and will be able to use the tag information to find out about the specific manufacturing of that article.
Students will learn about different brands and the supported labor practices, also they will be exposed to recycling and up-cycling programs like in Sweden where civilians are given tax breaks for mending their clothes instead of purchasing new clothing.
Students will be able to donate their clothing to a clothing swap table, that we will have on display alongside the paper studio, they will also be able to learn how to mend clothing, using needles and thread, as well as learn how to use a sewing machine. Lastly, they will be able to pulp clothing that is too far beyond repair (pulp printing images and information about the clothing cycle, the importance of recycling and celebrating up-cycling).
As the second largest school system in Georgia, the Cobb County School District (CCSD) is responsible for educating more than 111,000 students in a diverse, constantly changing suburban environment.
After last year's visit to CCSD, art instructor Patsy Rausch secured a grant to establish a portable papermaking studio for the school district to use. This year, Drew Matott will conduct a weekend papermaking training workshop for staff.
The Espanola Fibre Arts Festival provides a variety of demonstrations and displays along with excellent learning & teaching opportunities for all ages during an annual fiber arts festival. Quality and variety are essential elements to the development of the Festival.
Peace Paper Project will be conducting a series of papermaking workshops that raise awareness and call an end to sexual violence and bullying in Ontario.
The Hines VA is the first VA hospital to have papermaking as an ongoing art therapy program. Since 2012, Hines veteran participation in the papermaking workshops has become so popular that Peace Paper now offers introductory, intermediate, and advanced papermaking classes, in addition to in-patient workshop programming.
Drew Matott returns to the Hines VA to conduct focused workshops for beginning and advanced papermaking classes. Participants will make paper art while further developing a relationship between the arts and healing.
Join us at Northeastern Illinois University on October 26th for the 8th Annual Art in Response to Violence Conference. Conference presenters will demonstrate and discuss diverse ways of using the arts to express, document, and heal the experiences of those who have been affected by violence.
During this dynamic one-day conference there will be opportunities for participants to explore the conference theme through presentations including dance and writing workshops, as well as an art exhibit.
The ARV Conference welcomes the return of former NEIU Acting Provost, Dr. Vicki Roman-Lagunas to open the conference. Drew Matott, from the Peace Paper Project, will offer a lecture and a workshop.
Gonzaga University is a private Roman Catholic university in Spokane, Washington, United States. Founded in 1887 by the Society of Jesus, it is one of 28 member institutions of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities.
After Peace Paper's successful 2015 collaboration with Gonzaga University, Spokane Arts and Central Valley School District, Gonzaga University Fine Art Department secured a grant to purchase a portable papermaking operation.
Additionally, Dr. Lisa Silvestri received a National Endowment for Humanities Grant for the Telling War Project, a collaboration between the Spokane Veteran community and Spokane University's Center for Public Humanities. Drew Matott will return to Spokane as a visiting artist with Gonzaga University and to conduct a series of Veteran Papermaking Workshops for the Telling Project.
The Art Department at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside offers bachelor of arts degrees with majors in art and graphic design. These emphasize a thorough background in the visual arts with well-rounded experiences in both two and three dimensional studies, as well as in art history and visual culture.
Drew Matott follows the spring 2017 Peace Paper exhibition Transforming Fibers: The Art of Peace Paper Project at UW- Parkside Galleries with an visiting artist residency. Drew will work with students and faculty to train them on the portable paper studio, as well as printing two new Peace Paper Portfolios that will be sold to special collections.
The College of Fine Arts at The University of Texas at Austin prepares students for the creation, practice, study, criticism and teaching of the arts, in a context that emphasizes cultural diversity, community engagement and technical innovation.
The College is dedicated to advancing the arts through research and the creation of new work, preserving the past while striving to define the future of artistic traditions. It is committed to exploring the interrelationships among the arts and among other disciplines.
Through presenting performances and exhibitions, the College seeks to deepen the understanding of the arts, to expand audiences, and to enrich the quality of life at the University, in our community, our state, our nation and the world.
Book Artist & Poet Kyle Schleshinger and Drew Matott return to the College of Fine Arts at UT for a series of papermaking and printmaking workshops with students.
The Museum of Literature and Printing was founded in 2004 in Grębocin. It features remarkable private collections related to papermaking and printing that are presented to the public through interactive educational workshops.
Co-director of Peace Paper Project, Drew Matott returns to Grębocin, Poland for an artist residency. The residency will consist of translating Peace Paper and Panty Pulping literature into Polish letterpress printed broadsides.
Art + Activism is an ongoing, college-wide program that facilitates dynamic conversation between Columbia's students, faculty and staff around the issues of our time.
As a means of raising awareness to new sexual violence policies, Peace Paper Project, Art + Activism and Counseling Services are teaming up to conduct two days of Panty Pulping.
The Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling Program at Ursuline College provides education and training in art therapy and professional counseling. Students learn to aid clients in exploring personal potentials and problems through both visual and verbal expression.
For the third time, Art Therapist Gretchen Miller & Drew Matott are teaming up to teach a Graduate class titled Papemaking as Social Action and Trauma Intervention.
This course will introduce students to the therapeutic qualities of papermaking as a form of social
action, trauma recovery, and transformation. Students will also experience the papermaking
process and engage in learning different papermaking techniques and approaches.
As the second largest school system in Georgia, the Cobb County School District (CCSD) is responsible for educating more than 111,000 students in a diverse, constantly changing suburban environment.
Drew Matott will be a visiting artist where he will deliver lectures on his journey as a visual and socially engaged artist, the importance of community collaboration and the roots of Peace Paper Project. In addition he will conduct interactive papermaking demonstrations throughout the school district.
The Veteran Alliance of Texas State (VATS) was founded in 2008 to ensure that veterans currently enrolled and veterans entering Texas State University are aware of all organizations, services, and opportunities afforded to them. It works to establish a sense of pride in service, provide networking, and create a platform through which their voices may be heard.
For the sixth year in a row, Peace Paper will provide VATS with programming that promotes their organisation and connects student veterans to one another and civilian students through creativity. Austin native and Peace Paper Intern Jordan Spennato will be helping conduct the various public papermaking exercises.
The Dean of Students Office at UW Platteville works to create a culture of care for students, their families, faculty, and staff. They strive to promote a safe and welcoming campus community, which includes holding students accountable to the Pioneer Student Conduct Code while treating individuals with consistency and respect. They provide education, advocacy, and support to encourage and empower all students to achieve success in their academic, social, and personal development at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville.
The Dean of Students office strives to promote a holistic learning experience by providing programs and services that develop students intellectually, socially, and ethically through student support, student advocacy, student engagement and student success.
This year the Dean of Students office is kicking off activities for it's Sexual Assault Awareness Month with a Panty Pulping Intervention. The campus wide intervention will be three days long and facilitated by student volunteers. Using creativity, the program brings the community together to take a stand against sexual violence, at home and on campus.
Sedona Arts Center is a nonprofit educational institution dedicated to nurturing creative discovery, learning and sharing through arts education and artistic development.
Drew Matott and Jana Schumacher will be a visiting artist for two weeks, conducting a variety of interactive papermaking workshops, while exploring the area and making plans for a longer Peace Paper visit in July, 2016.
A Reason To Survive (ARTS) is a nationally recognized organization that believes in the power of the arts and creativity to literally transform lives - especially those of kids. They believe in the therapeutic powers of the arts, but are not clinical art therapists. They use all forms of art as a vehicle to create positive, long-lasting change and transformation in children and youth facing major life challenges. By providing a sequential program model of therapeutic arts programs, arts education, and college & career preparation, ARTS provides a one-stop-shop for youth to move from crisis to college or career.
Peace Paper Project will conduct a series of papermaking workshops in collaboration with A Reason To Survive. The workshops will expose participants to traditional hand papermaking by transforming old clothing into paper using both a motorized, pedal powered hollander beater and will work with various community groups during the day and with youth artists from ARTS in the afternoon.
The Veterans Center at California State University, San Marcos is a resource center for veterans, active-duty and their dependents. The Veterans Center provides these eligible individuals with information, services and certifications regarding their federal VA educational benefits.
Art Therapist Meredith McMackin and Drew Matott are collaborating with CSUSM Veterans Center to conduct a three day papermaking as personal transformation workshop for student veterans and their families.
The mission of the Bristol Community College's Women's Center is to serve as a place that facilitates a network of support and resources for women on campus, as well as to initiate and maintain links to the surrounding community and beyond. Their workshops, lectures, and seminars are aimed at improving self-esteem, developing leadership skills, promoting diversity, and raising awareness about gender issues. The Center is committed to the progress of all students regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, or religion.
Margaret Mahan brings two days of Panty Pulping to BCC!
The Art Center at Esalen, commonly known as the Art Barn, is on the ocean cliffs next to the Leonard Pavilion and the Farm. It has served as the residence for many artists over the years as well as being the birthplace for latent creativity and the source of many stories.
Drew Matott & Florida State University Intern Payton Hurley will conduct a five-day class using traditional hand papermaking to support personal transformation and environmental mindfulness.
As a way to explore our relationship with ourselves, the people around us and our environment, students will share their personal stories by cutting up their clothing, gathering native & invasive plants and using a bicycle powered beater to transform it into sheets of handmade paper.
In the 1990's Mrs. Olga Bogomolets started collecting Ukrainian icons and within ten years she had acquired 5000 icons. Her collection dates as far back as the 13th century and represents the many regions of Ukraine, both geographically and ethnographically.
She needed a place to store and exhibit the icons, so in 2009 she purchased and reconstructed the Radomsyl Castle which was built in the early 17th century. The castle is home to the first papermill in Ukraine which produced paper for orthodox book printing. It was founded by Eelesey Pletenetsky in 1612.
In 2014, the papermill was re-opened with the mission to manufacture paper in the tradition of the old mill. In 2015, Drew Matott traveled to the papermill at Radomysl and took the museums' Master Class in 17th Century Papermaking. After meeting with museum director Olga Bogomolets, the two decided to collaborate and bring Peace Paper back to Radomysl Castle to set up a permanent Papermaking as Art Therapy program.
The objective will be to conduct papermaking workshops with Ukrainian war veterans and their families; as well as survivors of sexual violence, mental health providers and psychologists.
The proposed workshops will not only take place at the Radomysl Castle, but also in hospitals and shelters in the region, including public workshops in Kiev at Independence Square.
Drew Matott teams up with Jana Schumacher and other German artists, activists, and therapists to set up a permanent papermaking studio that will conduct ongoing papermaking workshops with different healing populations throughout Hamburg and Berlin.
The Wisconsin Veterans Museum is an educational activity of the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs to commemorate, acknowledge, and affirm the role of Wisconsin citizens in American military history, past and present.
Drew Matott and Edgewood College Art Therapy Interns will conduct a series of papermaking workshops with veterans, their families and the Wisconsin public. In addition to pulping unservicable military uniforms, the public will be invited to pulp decommissioned U.S. ephemera to make cards for deployed veterans.
Sedona Arts Center and Verde Valley School will host Drew Matott, Robert Possehl and interns from Peace Paper Project and Edgewood College for a two-week artist and teaching residency. The team will work together to conduct a series of weekend workshops that engage the community in personalized hand papermaking activities. In addition they will use black & white photography and handmade paper to create an exhibition expressing their developed relationship with the Arizona high desert.
The Hines VA is the first VA hospital to have papermaking as an ongoing art therapy program. Since 2012, Hines veteran participation in the papermaking workshops has become so popular that Peace Paper now offers introductory, intermediate, and advanced papermaking classes, in addition to in-patient workshop programming.
Drew Matott returns to the Hines VA to conduct focused workshops for beginning and advanced papermaking classes. Participants will make paper art while further developing a relationship between the arts and healing.
Individuals living with mental illness struggle in many ways:
Mental illness affects the psyche of individuals and their ability to maintain employment. It can leave them with poor social skills so that they have difficulty interacting with community social groups. Their income is limited and many live on a subsistence level. Furthermore, the stigma of mental illness prevents members of the outside community from reaching out to help these individuals.
For the fifth year in a row, Drew Matott is teaming up with mental health services providers and consumers to do a series of papermaking workshops that promote social engagement, build confidence and address stigma. These workshops are in direct collaboration with St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, National Alliance on Mental Illiness- SLV, North Country Transitional Living Housing Unit and residents at the Seaway House.
Since 1851, the mission of The Children's Village has been to work in partnership with families to help society's most vulnerable children so that they become educationally proficient, economically productive, and socially responsible members of their communities.
For the fifth year in a row, Peace Paper Project will be teaching an ongoing papermaking and printmaking workshop for the residents at Children's Village. In addition to Pedal Power and Pulp Printing, the team will conduct creative writing and mandaa making exercises with the children.
Since the invention of paper by the Chinese two thousand years ago, papermaking has traversed the globe, with each culture adapting it's different fibers, tools and techniques. The 19th-century industrialization of papermaking processes pulping trees, almost completely eradicated the varied and unique processes that existed across the globe. The 21rst-century marks a new era for papermaking: the portable, pedal powered papermaking studio.
Peace Paper Project has used the new portable model to help bring traditional and contemporary practices back to communities, specifically designing community-based papermaking studios that use the paper arts for healing and community empowerment. Since 2011, Peace Peace has helped launch 33 studios across the globe; in Australia, India, Turkey, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Spain, UK and throughout the USA.
Peace Paper Project facilitators Drew Matott and Jana Schumacher return from it's latest international tour, establishing studios in Ukraine for soldiers with Post Traumatic Stress and Germany for Syrian immigrants. The team will demonstrate a variety of traditional papermaking practices around the world while discussing cultural, economic and environmental reasons for the different practices.
The Figge Art Museum is the premier art exhibition and education facility between Chicago and Des Moines. Its landmark glass building on the banks of the Mississippi, designed by British architect David Chipperfield, is home to one of the Midwest's finest art collections, and hosts world-class traveling exhibitions. Its studios, auditorium and spacious lobby are alive with art classes, lectures and special events that attract visitors of all ages.
The Galvin Fine Arts Center at St. Ambrose University and Figge Art Museum host Drew Matott and Jana Schumacher for a Panty Pulping Intervention.
Peace Paper Project facilitators Drew Matott and Jana Schumacher visit Burlington Vermont to engage university and college students with a citywide Panty Pulping Celebration. A series of Lectures and workshops at Community College of Vermont, University of Vermont and Saint Micheal's College will culminate in an exhibit at Champlain College.
Drew Matott, Jana Schumacher and other German artists, activists, and therapists to set up a permanent papermaking studio that will conduct ongoing papermaking workshops with different healing populations throughout Hamburg and Berlin.
The FSU Veteran's Center is the first university center servicing student veterans that has purchased hand papermaking equipment for its student veterans. This is a tremendous triumph for FSU as well as for hand papermaking. The student veterans of FSU will serve as the torch bearers for a tradition of transforming clothing into paper that is nearly 2000 years old.
Peace Paper Project honors this commitment to the practice, and for the fourth year in a row Margaret Mahan, Meredith McMackin and Annie McFarland will hold an in-depth papermaking workshop for student veterans.
The Austin Book Arts Center seeks to advance the book as a vital contemporary art form, preserve the traditional and robust crafts related to making books, promote the contemporary arts of making books, inspire diverse artists and learners, and engage the community in creative, interpretive, and educational experiences, including the improvement of literacy for people of all ages.
Peace and Conflict studies is a multidisciplinary program at Austin Community College. Their goal is to educate communities about conflict transformation and to promote healthy relationships at all levels-- personal, community, and global. Conflict transformation acknowledges that conflict is a natural and dynamic necessity.
Founded in 1978, Refugee Services of Texas is a social service agency dedicated to providing services to refugees and other displaced persons fleeing persecution based on race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, and/or political opinion and also to the communities that welcome them.
Drew Matott brings the portable paper studio to conduct a series of Papermaking as Personal Transformation and Veteran Paper Workshop activities to Austin Community College and Austin Book Art Center.
Northern Ireland Group for Art as Therapy (NIGAT) is a volunteer-led membership organization who promotes the use of Art as Therapy and Art Therapy to facilitate health and well-being. The group is open to all community members interested in using art and creativity for self-expression.
Drew Matott and Art Therapist Annie McFarland have the distinct honor of conducting a papermaking as art therapy and papermaking for art therapists workshop with NIGAT members. These workshops are specifically for art therapists, UK veterans, their families and communities.
Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th
10.00 - 16.00
St Christopher's Church on Mersey Street
(70 Mersey Street, Belfast, BT4 1EW)
Fabulous St. Pauli e.V. is the first Fab Lab in Hamburg and part of a network of about 600 Fabrication Laboratories worldwide. These are community workshops for new computer controlled machines like 3D printers, laser-cutters and CNC milling machines.
Drew Matott, Jana Schumacher, Axel Sylvester, Annie McFarland and Meredith Nunnikhoven will conduct a day-long papermaking and bookbinding workshop. Students will be able to make paper from their own clothing and use the laser cutter to create innovative paper and book forms.
Founded in the fifteenth century, St Andrews is Scotland's first university and the third oldest in the English speaking world. Teaching began in the community of St Andrews in 1410 and the University was formally constituted by the issue of a papal bull in 1413.
Drew Matott and Art Therapist Annie McFarland will lecture about Peace Paper's work with veterans and refugees. Following the lecture students will join Annie & Drew in a 2-hour interactive papermaking demonstration.
PULP is a hand papermaking arts workshop, based in Glasgow, Scotland, which provides a range of services for experienced artists and makers as well as those just beginning to explore this versatile medium.
Drew Matott, Art Therapist Annie McFarland, film-maker Meredith Nunnikhoven and visual artist Jana Schumacher will be artists-in-residence for two weeks, creating collaborative pieces in the studio. As well, the quartet will be running a variety of workshops throughout the city.
The Museum of Literature and Printing was founded in 2004 in Grębocin. It features remarkable private collections related to papermaking and printing that are presented to the public through interactive educational workshops.
Directors of Peace Paper Project, Margaret Mahan & Drew Matott are honored to conduct a series of lectures, interactive demonstrations, and workshops celebrating historical and contemporary practices of paper artists. With the support of the Museum of Literature and Printing, Peace Paper offers the following activities;
Rags Make Paper: Introduction to traditional western papermaking; Contemporary practices of papermaking artists; Pedal Powering Production Pulps; and Letterpress Printing.
Established in 1919, University of Arts in Poznań is one of the major fine-art academies in Poland.
Professor Anna Goebel hosts Drew & Margaret for a series of demonstrations, lectures and private workshops for the university community. These activities highlight a celebration of Polish culture while engaging students in pulp printing and pedal powered papermaking.
Strzemiński Academy of Art Łódź is named after Władysław Strzemiński, Polish art theoretician, painter, teacher and pioneer of the Constructivist avant-garde of the 1920s and 1930s.
Fiber Artist & Professor Magda Sobon hosts Peace Paper to work with her students to pulp articles of clothing from their past and fibers from the local landscape, using papermaking as a form of personal and community transformation. The workshop invites students to explore the layering of pulps through pulp printing.
Drew & Margaret are being hosted by the Mali Własnoręczni Program at Institute of Design Kielce. The one-day papermaking workshop is for families of the Świętokrzyski region interested in exploring the connection of craft, design and development of creativity.
The team's papermaking tour of Poland culminates with a collaboration with Italian paper artist Paolo Spalluto. The trio will tour Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum, gather plant materials from around the museum and work out of Spalluto's private art studio in Kraków to create a series of prints that reflect the physical and cultural memory of the past, while celebrating the strength of today's Polish youth culture.
Arragua Arts & Culture Center provides regular programming that encourages social engagement, political activism and healthy living for the Lea-Artibai community.
Drew & Margaret conduct a one day community papermaking workshop using clothing and rags collected from the Lekeitio community.
The Gertrude Meth Hochberg Women's Center at Bryant University is dedicated to providing a forum for discussing issues facing women in business and society. In conjunction with the Center's HERstory Month, Margaret and Drew will facilitate a public Panty Pulping workshop, evening lecture & interactive demonstration for the Bryant University community.
The St. Lawrence Brewing Company opened in 2013 and is dedicated to creating fine craft ales for distribution throughout New York State. In 2014, Peace Paper made paper for the brewery using their spent grain.
Margaret & Drew return to the St. Lawrence Brewing Company, joined by owner Ken Hebb and the brewery crew for a spent grain papermaking workshop that will produce hundreds of sheets that will used for labels for bottles of specialty beers.
The Wild Center is a world class museum and interactive nature center located in the heart of New York's Adirondack Park. The Adirondack Park is the biggest natural park in the lower 48 states. It can hold Yellowstone, Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Glacier, and Great Smokey National Parks inside its borders. It is home to one of the most important conservation stories in the world because it demonstrates how people can live in a wild place without damaging its biodiversity. The Wild Center is committed to maintaining this balance.
Following Peace Paper's fall collaboration For the Birds, Drew & Margaret return to The Wild Center to celebrate Maple sugaring culture. Throughout a one-day interactive papermaking and printmaking demonstration, Maple Festival goers will be able to make paper from maple leaves, blue jeans and flannel shirts donated by Adirondack Maple sugar makers. Participants will be able to letter press print their favorite Maple recipes onto previously made sheets of paper.
Drew & Margaret are hosted by the Art & Art Therapy Program and Allentown Art Museum to bring papermaking as a socially engaged art practice to Book Arts, Printmaking, Papermaking, Art Therapy, Psychology and Social Work students.
They present on the genesis of their hand papermaking projects through the context of the greater field of papermaking as socially engaged art. They discuss the evolution of Pedal Power as a tool for empowering the public, and its role in social action programs such as Panty Pulping and papermaking with invasive plants. Drew and Margaret examine the development and inclusion of hand papermaking in the work of art therapy. Finally, the pair present on the international scope of Peace Paper, highlighting their work around Islamic papermaking in Turkey; paper as a tool for healing in Northern Ireland and areas affected by The Troubles in the UK; and paper and print as community empowerment in Poland.
In addition, Margaret Mahan and Drew Matott share Peace Paper programming with the Cedar Crest community through a series of workshops. These public events allow for students, faculty, and staff from all disciplines to engage in Pedal Power, pulp printing, and the beneficial practice of traditional hand papermaking.
The Hines VA is the first VA hospital to have papermaking as an ongoing art therapy program. Since 2012, Hines veteran participation in the papermaking workshops has become so popular that Peace Paper now offers introductory, intermediate, and advanced papermaking classes, in addition to in-patient workshop programming.
Drew Matott & Margaret Mahan return to the Hines VA to conduct a focused workshop for the advanced papermaking class. Participants will make paper art while further developing a relationship between the arts and healing.
St. Ambrose University was the first institution to host a public Panty Pulping Intervention. Panty Pulping returns to collaborate with Fine Art and Gender Studies Programs in providing the campus community with a creative action of solidarity against sexual violence.
Ozanam is committed to helping children and older youth who have been traumatized by abuse, abandonment and neglect. They provide a safe place where kids and their families can rebuild trust and form healthy relationships with each other and their community.
Margaret & Drew team up with art therapist Nannie Mead to conduct a one-day papermaking workshop for the children and families at Ozanam.
The Veteran Alliance of Texas State (VATS) was founded in 2008 to ensure that veterans currently enrolled and veterans entering Texas State University are aware of all organizations, services, and opportunities afforded to them. It works to establish a sense of pride in service, provide networking, and create a platform through which their voices may be heard.
For the fifth year in a row, Margaret & Drew provide VATS with programming that promotes their organisation and connects student veterans to one another and civilian students through creativity.
Commissioned by the Poetry Foundation, The Chicago 77 is a 77-line poem comprised of found text and objects from each of Chicago's 77 community areas. The piece was created by poets and artists Fatimah Asghar, Krista Franklin, Fo Wilson, and Jamila Woods. The completed poem has been calligraphed by Liz Isakson-Dado in a single edition on paper made by artists Margaret Mahan and Drew Matott.
A reception for the The Chicago 77 will take place at The Poetry Foundation on May 1. The evening features include tabletop games, video screenings, and tunes by J. Johari Palacio aka Basis aka Perpetual Rebel aka The Bored Enthusiast.
The Santa Cruz Public Libraries system delivers information, education, enrichment and inspiration through a network of 10 neighborhood library branches, a web-based digital library, a Bookmobile and community-based programs.
Drew & Margaret will conduct two days of interactive papermaking workshops with the Santa Cruz Public Libraries. The events will allow participants the opportunity to experience first hand papermaking as socially engage art, art therapy and community building.
MPC Printmakers is a collegiate printmaking group that focuses on fine printmaking techniques, individual artistic development through member workshops, juried exhibitions and international residencies.
Drew & Margaret conduct an evening lecture and one-day papermaking workshop with members of MPC printmakers. The lecture titled: Papermaking to Promote Social Change will be followed by an Papermaking as Personal Transformation workshop for members of MPC printmakers.
A Reason To Survive (ARTS) is a nationally recognized organization that believes in the power of the arts and creativity to literally transform lives - especially those of kids. They believe in the therapeutic powers of the arts, but are not clinical art therapists. They use all forms of art as a vehicle to create positive, long-lasting change and transformation in children and youth facing major life challenges. By providing a sequential program model of therapeutic arts programs, arts education, and college & career preparation, ARTS provides a one-stop-shop for youth to move from crisis to college or career.
Margaret Mahan and Drew Matott will conduct a series of papermaking workshops in collaboration with A Reason To Survive. The workshops will expose participants to traditional hand papermaking by transforming old clothing into paper using both a motorized and pedal powered hollander beater. In addition, Margaret & Drew will demonstrate contemporary applications of papermaking, such as pulp painting and pulp printing.
Peace Paper will work with various community groups during the day and with youth artists from ARTS in the afternoon.
Video of the portable paper studio in action during our Artist Residency at A Reason To Survive, National City, CA in 2015.
The second national Military Experience & the Arts symposium is hosted by Cameron University in Lawton, OK and provides veterans and their spouses with free access to skills building workshops, four days of activities, speakers, performances, and events, and the opportunity to be a part of a vibrant community of authors, artists, poets, and veterans' advocates responsible for the publication of hundreds of veterans' creative works.
Peace Paper Project is pleased to announce that collaborators Malachi Muncy, Meredith McMackin & Annie McFarland are conducting a series of papermaking workshops with veterans at this year's symposium.
Muncy will be leading the rag cutting, pulping and sheet forming components, while McMackin & McFarland (doctoral students in Art Therapy at Florida State University) will conduct artmaking exercises using the dried sheets of paper. These workshops are in part sponsored by the Florida State University Student Veteran's Center.
In 2001 Carol Marie Vossler teamed up with community members to convert an abandoned 1930's pipe fitting warehouse into the dynamic arts center called BluSeed Studios. Since opening its doors BluSeed has hosted fine art workshops, concerts and artist's residencies.
For the fifth consecutive year, Margaret and Drew will be Artists-in-Residence at BluSeed Studios. The residency is a combination of studio work as well as teaching community workshops.
Much of their focus is on production of papers for printmaking and art therapy exercises. Their production includes commissioned paper projects for artists, The Bibliographical Press at Yale University, Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital and American Art Therapy Association.
Salina Art Center received a National Endowment for the Arts Grant to fund the establishment of a community papermaking studio. The goal of this studio is to provide art therapy and alternative art therapies for survivors of trauma (including, but not limited to, military veterans and survivors of terrorism), cancer survivors, children and adults who have survived abuse and individuals living with mental illness.
In addition, Salina Art Center intends to collaborate with Kansas Art Therapy Association to offer training sessions, papermaking classes for art therapists and students of art therapy and to design and conduct art therapy programs, using papermaking as a vehicle for healing, throughout Kansas.
Peace Paper is proud to launch this innovative initiative through a two-week visitation that focuses on training the Salina Art Center staff and greater community how to use the newly acquired papermaking studio. This includes a variety of public and private workshops. Contact the Salina Art Center to learn more.
Art, Transformation, and Trauma: Papermaking as Art Therapy
Peace Paper Project Co-director Gretchen Miller, MA, ATR-BC, CTC-S, and collaborators Genevieve Camp, MA, ATRBC,
LMHC, Rachel Mims, MS, Meredith McMackin, MAT, MFA, Janice Havlena, MA, ATR-BC, and Amy Bucciarelli, MS, ATR-BC, LMHC, present at the American Art Therapy Association's Annual Conference.
This panel will feature art therapists who use papermaking
inspired by the social action and art-based mission of Peace
Paper. Content will include papermaking as a form of trauma
intervention, including vignettes addressing eating disorder
recovery, managing illness and disability, grief and loss, and
working with veterans.
History of Text Technologies at Florida State University is an interdisciplinary certificate program which combines studies in the history of the book and media cultures. The curriculum explores the changing material and aesthetic technologies of cultural transmission in scribal, print, visual, and digital forms.
Margaret Mahan will present to the undergratuate Introduction to History of Text Technologies class about the process of hand papermaking through the lens of socially engaged art.
Breaking the Deckle; Papermaking as Social Action!
The five-day class will explore in depth the papermaking, bookbinding and printmaking processes used by Peace Paper Project. Instructors Drew Matott & Margaret Mahan will lecture and explain how they use the techniques with specific populations while collaborating with social activists and art therapists.
This is a class for paper artists, activists, art therapists, art therapy graduate students and educators. The focus of the class will be to give the time and professional direction to each participant to go through the processes first hand and make individual art.
Using garments of personal significance, each participant will gain direct experience in the production of handmade paper from rag to traditional and creative sheet formation, pulp printing and Japanese bookbinding techniques.
Participants will be able to make their own silk screen images for pulp printing onto their papers.
The Wild Center is a world class museum and interactive nature center located in the heart of New York's Adirondack Park. The Adirondack Park is the biggest natural park in the lower 48 states. It can hold Yellowstone, Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Glacier, and Great Smokey National Parks inside its borders. It is home to one of the most important conservation stories in the world because it demonstrates how people can live in a wild place without damaging its biodiversity. The Wild Center is committed to maintaining this balance.
Peace Paper Project returns to The Wild Center to participate in a day of activities titled Return to the Wild. Participants will use the pedal powered Hollander beater to transform invasive species into pulp and use pulp printing to create unique works of art.
Individuals living with mental illness struggle in many ways:
Mental illness affects the psyche of individuals and their ability to maintain employment. It can leave them with poor social skills so that they have difficulty interacting with community social groups. Their income is limited and many live on a subsistence level. Furthermore, the stigma of mental illness prevents members of the outside community from reaching out to help these individuals.
Drew Matott is teaming up with mental health services providers and consumers to do a series of papermaking workshops that promote social engagement, build confidence and address stigma. These workshops are in direct collaboration with St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, National Alliance on Mental Illiness- SLV, Step-By-Step, North Country Transitional Living Housing Unit and residents at the Seaway House.
Tuesday August 4th, St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, Children's Unit, Ogdensburg, NY
Wednesday August 5th, Seaway House, Ogdensburg, NY
Thursday August 6th, St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, Adult Unit, Ogdensburg, NY
Friday August 7th, Step by Step, Ogdensburg, NY
Saturday August 8th, Transitional Living Residence, Gouverneur, NY
These workshops are partially funded by a grant through the Northern New York Community Foundation's youth philanthropy council at Ogdensburg Free Academy.
Since 1851, the mission of The Children's Village has been to work in partnership with families to help society's most vulnerable children so that they become educationally proficient, economically productive, and socially responsible members of their communities.
For the fourth year in a row, Margaret Mahan and Drew Matott are teaching an ongoing papermaking and printmaking workshop for the staff and residents at Children's Village.
The Hines VA is the first VA hospital to have papermaking as an ongoing art therapy program. Since 2012, Hines veteran participation in the papermaking workshops has become so popular that Peace Paper now offers introductory, intermediate, and advanced papermaking classes, in addition to in-patient workshop programming.
The day-long workshop Nepalese-style Papermaking for Veterans is for beginning to advanced veteran papermakers. We will use pulped military uniforms and pulp printing to make medium to large sheets of Nepalese-style paper.
St. Lawrence University's Sustainability Semester is an off-campus living-learning program where students create community together with the goals of living sustainably in a renovated farm house, growing and preserving their own food and building both theoretical and practical knowledge pertaining to sustainability.
For this year's First Year Program, the departments of Art & Art History, English Department and the Sustainability Semester are teaming up with paper artist Velma Boylard and Peace Paper Project to grow, harvest and make paper from plants. The finished papers will be used by FYP poetry and printmaking students in an ongoing community engagement project that spreads the seeds of hope and compassion.
The In-Residence Program at Unit One features a series of visiting guests who have a diverse range of professions and interests. With sometimes unusual career paths they are passionate about their work and lives, as well as fun, interesting people. The Guests-In-Residence engage Unit One students through leading workshops, lectures and informal discussions.
Peace Paper is honored to be selected as a 2015 Guest-In-Residence and will conduct daily public interactive workshops that showcase the different materials they use across the globe. In order to express the versatility of paper as a media for social activism, interpersonal dialogue, personal expression and art therapy, each day the pulping menu (pulp de jour) will change.
Featured will be Pedal Power!, Panty Pulping, Veteran Paper Workshop, Invasive Species Paper, Spent Grain Paper and Papermaking as Personal Transformation.
The FSU Veteran's Center is the first university center servicing student veterans that has purchased hand papermaking equipment for its student veterans. This is a tremendous triumph for FSU as well as for hand papermaking. The student veterans of FSU will serve as the torch bearers for a tradition of transforming clothing into paper that is nearly 2000 years old.
Peace Paper Project honors this commitment to the practice, and for the third year in a row will hold an in depth papermaking workshop for student veterans.
The Saint Lawrence Psychiatric Center services St. Lawrence, Jefferson, Franklin, Essex, Lewis and Clinton counties in New York State. There are three residential programs located on the facility grounds: Adult Services, a Sex Offender Treatment Program (SOTP), and Children/Youth Services.
Drew Matott and National Alliance on Mental Illness- St. Lawrence Valley return to the Saint Lawrence Psychiatric Center for an afternoon Pedal Power! and Pulp Printing workshop with inpatient residents.
This workshop is partially funded by a grant through the Northern New York Community Foundation's youth philanthropy council at Ogdensburg Free Academy.
Spokane Arts works to amplify Spokane as the cultural hub and catalyst for the Inland Northwest through arts leadership, advocacy, networking and support.
As part of the activities surrounding the month long theme Create Spokane, Peace Paper will be collaborating with Central Valley High School, Gonzaga University and Women's Hearth to conduct Panty Pulping, Veteran Paper and Papermaking as Personal Transformation workshops.
Peace Paper intern Payton Hurley and collaborator Annie McFarland will be running an interactive papermaking workshop called Pulp Pink. It is a papermaking event put on in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month.
This is an interactive make a sheet-take a sheet activity, where pink t-shirts donated by Breast Cancer survivors will be pulped and reformed into sheets of paper and cards for cancer patients.
In addition to making cards, booklets will be made. One booklet will be for the participants to write a note of encouragement to people currently living with breast cancer. The second booklet will be for participants to say thank you to a professional who works in mammography.
After the event, the booklets and cards will be delivered to patients suffering from breast cancer at the Tallahassee Memorial Hospital, and mammographers around Tallahassee who's job is to help detect breast cancer.
This event is sponsored by the Art Therapy Association of Florida State University, and will take place on October 26th from 12:00 pm to 3:00pm on Union Green located on the Florida State University campus.
Please come by and help us Pulp Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month!
Huevelton Central School was founded in 1822 and continues to provide a family atmosphere which allows members of the community to learn to their utmost potential, in a warm, supportive environment. The school is dedicated to helping students develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to be successful, contributing members of our society.
Fiber Artist Velma Bolyard and Drew Matott are teaming up to deliver a day of papermaking worskhops for Huevelton High School art students.
The Southeast Guild of Bookworkers & Small Craft Advisory Press host a two day Peace Paper workshop titled Papermaking as Personal Expression. The workshop is intended for book art students, enthusiasts, and professionals.
This two-day intensive is designed to provide an in-depth exploration of traditional hand papermaking as a form of personal expression. Participants will learn the history and techniques of traditional papermaking by transforming their own clothing into sheets of beautiful custom-made paper.
Using garments of personal significance, each participant will gain direct experience in breaking rag, beating fiber into pulp, and forming sheets using traditional and contemporary applications of hand papermaking. The finished sheets will be usable for letter press, silkscreen, etching, laser (electrostatic) and ink jet printing, as well as bookbinding, drawing, water coloring and painting.
As the first Catholic college in Florida, Saint Leo is committed to creating a community that values and advocates on behalf of the respect, dignity, integrity and personal development of all. The Office of Community Engagement transforms Saint Leo University's tradition of community service into a powerhouse of service learning resources, ideas, technology and educational opportunity.
In conjunction with this year's Community Service Day and Veterans Day, the Office of Community Engagement at Saint Leo University will be hosting Peace Paper to conduct a public Veteran Paper Workshop for student veterans, their friends, families and supporters. Student veterans will be able to bring in their un-serviceable military uniforms to transform into paper art.
The 2015 NAMI-NYS Education Conference-Redefining Recovery: New Challenges, New Opportunities, New Hopes, is designed to inspire and educate participants by exploring all the different forms of recovery from mental illness. While recovery is a broad term and recovery is not the same for everybody, the conference aims to showcase the groundbreaking work done to improve research, enhance therapies and detail the activities conducted in nationwide, in New York, in multi-cultural communities, the criminal justice system, the education system, college campuses and in the military community to drive and promote recovery.
Peace Paper Project will be presenting onpast collaborative papermaking workshops with NAMI-SLV, St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, Seaway House, Step by Step and Transitional Living Center. Conference goers will learn about the workshops, be able to make a sheet of paper and letterpress print a conference keepsake.
Drew Matott will be travelling to Poland, Germany and Ukraine to visit printmaking and papermaking studios & museums; as well to meet up with old friends, do some work with refugees and just have an all around wonderful European adventure.
The Tim Parry Jonathan Ball Foundation for Peace continues its valuable work of servicing survivors of the troubles and those affected by trauma with a one-day workshop on Coping strategies for dealing with trauma. Following the morning's programming, which establishes what trauma is and what it is like, Peace Paper Project will hold a hand papermaking workshop for care providers and survivors as a means of sharing one form of coping with trauma.
Spike Print Studio is the largest open access print studio in the southwest of England. In addition to access to screenprinting, intalglio, relief, transfer, and digital printmaking facilities, Spike Print Studio offers training in all of these fields. Margaret and Drew team up with John Lynch for a collaboration and residency at this printmaker's playground.
Spike Print Studio is hosting an Under Paper: Pulping for Peace (Panty Pulping) workshop for the Bristol community. We will transform interior clothing into paper art in solidarity against sexual and domestic violence.
Since 1916, The Stoll Foundation has housed and supported veterans. Stoll is a forward-thinking Foundation that offers rehabilitative support to vulnerable and disabled ex-Service men and women in acknowledgement of their sacrifice. Stoll works to provide long-term solutions to poverty, homelessness, addiction, poor mental health, and physical health by way of comprehensive care and activities that help to maximize quality of life.
Peace Paper Project offers a two-day workshop for Stoll residents and their family members.
Drew Matott & Margaret Mahan of Peace Paper Project will discuss contemporary applications of traditional hand papermaking in the context of their current work in the United Kingdom with ex-military and survivors of terrorism. Specifically, they will elaborate on the mechanics of pulp printing, its immediacy, and its function of empowerment in both workshops with survivors of trauma and public action pieces.
Mahan and Matott will engage attendees with an interactive demonstration of pulp printing. All will be welcome to create a pulp printed broadside, and to experience the technique first-hand.
The Brighton Science Festival acknowledges the centenary of the First World War with an investigation of conflict and fairness at the core of its 2014 conference. Conflict at home, work, nationally, internationally, historically and futuristically are explored through scientific analysis. The conference questions fairness as well. Is it science? Is fairness at the root of conflict? Peace Paper Project will join in the discussion, asking if conflict can be resolved through papermaking and if art could create fairness.
Drew and Margaret will explore these possibilities while pulping clothing that relates to work addressing conflict and fairness, like Panty Pulping and papermaking as reconciliation.
Situated in the heart of Brighton, Phoenix Brighton is the largest artist-led community arts organization in the southeast of England. For two days, Drew and Margaret bring a workshop to Phoenix Brighton that invites individuals to learn traditional hand papermaking while transforming fragments of their own clothing into paper. While the fiber content is unique to each participant, Panty Pulping is featured in the activities.
Moray Art Centre at Findhorn, Scotland, runs an annual local and international program of exhibitions, events, classes, and art residencies. The courses offered at Moray have a huge range, from ceramics to digital media, from painting to languages.
Peace Paper Project collaborates with local art therapists and specialists in a series of workshops for the Findhorn community. Papermaking will be offered to adolescents, general health care providers, and Service men and women from the 32nd Engineers Regiment and their families. In addition to this specialized programming, Margaret and Drew will hold an open workshop for the community followed by an evening reception on Saturday, March 1st.
Peace Paper Project's tour of Scotland culminates with a residency at The Yellow House Gallery in Portsey, Scotland. Drew and Margaret will collaborate with paper sculptor Alison Simpson to create a body of work for exhibition in response to their experiences working in the UK.
Founded in 1413, the University of St. Andrews is Scotland's first university as well as the third oldest in the English-speaking world. It is distinct in Europe for its achievements in teaching and research.
Drew and Margaret visit St. Andrews to present on Peace Paper Project's work with Veteran Paper Workshop, Panty Pulping, and workshops in the United Kingdom in a series of open seminar discussions and class visitations.
Northern Ireland Group for Art as Therapy, an organization of therapists and non-therapists, has been promoting the use of art to facilitate well-being since 1976. Creative Change NI is a community site that connects individuals with the arts as a vehicle for change in Northern Ireland.
We are pleased and excited to collaborate with both organizations and the Belfast community in workshops for youth groups, ex-combatants and veterans, and survivors of 'The Troubles'.
The public library and culture center of Markina-Xemein are active in engaging the community with unique activities and events. They are teaming up to bring a peddle-powered hand papermaking workshop to the outdoor jai-alai court of the village on Saturday, March 22nd. This public workshop will feature pulp printing with text and imagery that celebrate Basque culture.
The Gertrude Meth Hochberg Women's Center at Bryant University is dedicated to providing a forum for discussing issues facing women in business and society. In conjunction with the Center's Women's HERstory Month, Margaret and Drew will facilitate a public Panty Pulping workshop for the Bryant University community.
Drew Matott is teaming up with National Alliance on Mental Illness St. Lawrence Valley and Catholic Charities to do a one-day papermaking workshop with residents at the Seaway House, a mental health services provider.
Texas State University's Common Experience theme for 2014 is "Mind Matters: Exploring Mental Health and Illness". This April, Drew and Margaret return to Texas State for a week of papermaking events revolving around this theme.
Through lectures, public papermaking events, exhibitions, and a day of cleaning up San Marcos's pristine river, Peace Paper will explore mental health as it relates to personal experience and the environment. Throughout these activities, Peace Paper interweaves a focus on the common thread of prior visitations to San Marcos by collaborating with the Veterans Alliance of Texas State.
Margaret Mahan travels to Yale University to give a public lecture on her work with papermaking and activism. She visits the First Year Seminar on Paper to discuss Peace Paper Project's contemporary applications of traditional papermaking. Mahan seizes the opportunity to tour the Panty Pulping Archive at the Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library, and to design Yale's Panty Pulping programming for 2015.
Margaret Mahan and Drew Matott are collaborating with Cornell University - Women's Resource Center to conduct a public Panty Pulping intervention, inviting pedestrians to cut, pulp and make paper from undergarments as an action against sexual and domestic violence.
Margaret Mahan and Drew Matott will collaborate with Art Therapist Jackie Bousek to conduct two days of papermaking High School students at Harbor Academy.
Students are referred to the school by their home districts for many reasons, including expulsion, multiple suspensions, or a general inability to cope with and succeed in a large school setting. HARBOR Academy is West 40's Regional Safe Schools Alternative High School Program.
Drew Matott & Margaret Mahan are teaming up with art therapists at the Hines VA to conduct a series of ongoing papermaking, bookbinding and printmaking workshops for veterans.
Drew Matott & Margaret Mahan join forces with Claire Reynes to conduct a Friday evening open studio and a Saturday Panty Pulping workshop at Zenith Art Studio in River Forest, IL. The events are sponsored by Art and Activism: Columbia College Chicago and are free & open to the public.
Art and Activism: Columbia College Chicago hosts Peace Paper for a residency as we facilitate a series of workshops and happenings across Chicago in collaboration with Art Therapists and care providers for survivors of trauma.
The workshops will culminate with Peace Paper's participation in Manifest: Columbia College Chicago's annual Urban Arts Festival. At Manifest, Drew and Margaret will exhibit works created in the days prior to the public festival. Manifest-goers are invited to engage in the creation of an interactive installation of paper airplanes, and to practice hand papermaking with Peace Paper's portable studio.
In 2001 Carol Marie Vossler teamed up with community members to convert an abandoned 1930's pipe fitting warehouse into the dynamic arts center called BluSeed Studios. Since opening its doors BluSeed has hosted fine art workshops, concerts and artist's residencies.
Along with HoneyBee Press poet & publisher Ben Aleshire, Drew & Margaret will be spending the summer creating at BluSeed Studios.
Part of their focus is on paper production. This production includes: papermaking with spent grains from local breweries; paper for The Poetry Foundation's Chicago Record; paper for the Hines VA art therapy workshops; and paper for letterpress printing. Another aspect of their residency deals with the role of text in the book arts. Margaret and Drew will create editions of letterpress-printed broadsides featuring text from their travels. Finally, the pair will build several exhibits, in collaboration with Johnny LaFalce, to accompany their fall tour.
The Lowell Folk Festival is an extraordinary community celebration that is free to the public. Talented musicians from around the world perform throughout downtown Lowell during the three-day event.
In addition to several stages with ongoing live music, festival-goers can visit the folk craft area. This year's theme is paper traditions, and Margaret and Drew will be engaging the community by pulping textiles from the Lowell mills and significant fibers from the area. Participants will be able to try their hands at papermaking and leave with dry sheets!
National Alliance on Mental Illness St. Lawrence Valley is dedicated to education, advocacy, and support for individuals living with mental illness, their friends & family members.
Drew Matott is teaming up with NAMI SLV to do a one-day Caring & Sharing pedal powered papermaking workshop with members of NAMI SLV & Step By Step. Both organizations are mental health services providers.
Established by Stephen Crane in 1770, Crane Paper Company has continually supplied the United States Treasury with its currency paper since 1879.
The Crane Paper Museum is adding a community hand papermaking classroom and studio. Drew & Margaret will be consulting with the staff to help identify studio layout, tools and techniques that will make the new space an attractive place for tourists, classes and visiting artists.
Margaret Mahan and Drew Matott conduct a one-day papermaking workshop at Columbia College Chicago in conjunction with the Poetry Foundation's Chicago 77 project, a 77-line poem comprised of found text and objects from each of Chicago's 77 community areas which will be woven together into a handmade book. Mahan and Matott will present on the history of papermaking and their international work with Peace Paper Project using papermaking as a vehicle for social action and art therapy.
Participants in the workshop are encouraged to share their personal stories by bringing in an article of clothing to be pulped into paper. In addition, participants are invited to contribute a piece from that clothing for inclusion in the paper for The Chicago 77.
The Chicago 77 is commissioned by the Poetry Foundation and created by four Chicago poets and artists: Fatimah Asghar, Krista Franklin, Fo Wilson, and Jamila Woods. It will be printed in a single edition on handmade paper created by Mahan & Matott. The Chicago 77 was conceived of by the Poetry Foundation in collaboration with Nick Dubois, in the spirit of Southbank Centre's World Record.
Since 1851, the mission of The Children's Village has been to work in partnership with families to help society's most vulnerable children so that they become educationally proficient, economically productive, and socially responsible members of their communities.
For the third year in a row, Margaret Mahan and Drew Matott are teaching a five-day papermaking, bookbinding and printmaking workshop for the staff and residents at Children's Village.
Farm 2 Fork is an annual festival that celebrates the regions local bounty. There are demonstrations, workshops and lectures.
A culmination of their exploration of making paper from local brewerie's spent grain, Margaret & Drew will give a talk and run an interactive pedal powered demonstration. Festival goers will be invited to power the hollander beater by riding the bicycle and pulling sheets of paper made out of spent grain from the Raquette River Brewing Company, Blue Line Brewery and Lake Placid Pub & Brewery.
Hosted by Yale's Bibliographical Press and the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library's History of the Book Symposium, Peace Paper visits Yale University to showcase hand papermaking traditions and contemporary applications of the book arts.
Through a formal presentation, class visitations, and interactive demonstrations, Margaret and Drew will share their practice of making paper from articles of clothing with personal and social significance, while emphasizing the value of libraries and archival systems which preserve both paper and the story of the fibers that make paper.
St. Lawrence University's Department of Art and Art History courses provide students with grounding in the technical, aesthetic and critical aspects of artistic production and exhibition; study in art history provides students with the methodological and critical tools for the analysis of visual culture and its role in history.
Margaret & Drew will lecture on the history of papermaking and lead Printmaking & Drawing students through the processes of traditional western hand papermaking. The papers created will be incorporated into students' fine art projects.
Non-native aquatic plants, animals, and microorganisms are serious threats to the Adirondack Park. These organisms are distributed outside of their indigenous range mostly through human activities and can become invasive in their new environments.
Margaret Mahan & Drew Matott are teaming up with Adirondack Watershed Institute of Paul Smith's College & Saranac Lake High School to educate students about the invasive aquatic plant milfoil. Students will expand their knowledge of milfoil and hand papermaking by using a pedal powered hollander beater to transform the plant into pulp and reform it into sheets of paper.
Art + Activism is an ongoing, college-wide program that facilitates dynamic conversation between Columbia's students, faculty and staff around the issues of our time. This year the program is collaborating with Columbia College Library to host a series of lectures and happenings surrounding the theme of banned books.
Drew Matott, Margaret Mahan and Johnny LaFalce are kicking off Banned Books Week with an Underpaper workshop and a Deep Fried Book street intervention.
The FSU Veteran's Center is the first university center servicing student veterans that Peace Paper has worked with to purchase hand papermaking equipment for its student veterans. This is a tremendous triumph for FSU as well as for hand papermaking. The student veterans of FSU will serve as the torch bearers for a tradition of transforming clothing into paper that is nearly 2000 years old. Peace Paper Project honors this commitment to the practice, and will hold a series of activities to aid in the exciting launch and smooth functioning of FSU's new studio.
Drew and Margaret will refresh their student veteran collaborators memories of hand papermaking with a private papermaking workshop, transforming personal ephemera into paper. Peace Paper will also hold a detailed and technically-orientated training for the student veterans that will be operating their new Hollander beater by Lee McDonald. Together, FSU student veterans and Peace Paper will bring the new set-up into the public sphere with one day of papermaking outside on campus. This event will allow the Veteran's Center the opportunity to share their new papermaking operation with the greater FSU community.
The Adirondack Park is the biggest natural park in the lower 48 states. It can hold Yellowstone, Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Glacier, and Great Smokey National Parks inside its borders. It is home to one of the most important conservation stories in the world because it demonstrates how people can live in a wild place without damaging its biodiversity. The Wild Center is committed to maintaining this balance.
Drew & Margaret bring papermaking to the Wild Center by collaborating with naturalists and ornithologists to educate the public about birds in the Adirondack habitat. The duo will be pulping grasses and engaging participants in pulp printing images of native birds.
Drew & Margaret return to UW-Platteville with a two-day Panty Pulping Intervention. Students are invited to take a stand against sexual and domestic violence by pulping their underwear.
Drew Matott & Margaret Mahan will lecture to the Edgewood College Art Therapy Program about their continued international collaborations with art therapists using papermaking as art therapy.
The two-day workshop will explore in depth the papermaking, bookbinding and printmaking processes used by Peace Paper Project. Instructors Drew Matott & Margaret Mahan will lecture and explain how they use the techniques with specific populations while collaborating with art therapists.
This is a class for art therapists, art therapy graduate students and educators. The focus of the class will be to give the time and professional direction to each participant to go through the processes first hand and make individual art.
Using garments of personal significance, each participant will gain direct experience in the production of handmade paper from rag to traditional and creative sheet formation, surface decoration and Japanese bookbinding techniques. The Edgewood College papermaking studio is equipped with a Hollander beater, artist-quality moulds and deckles, press, and dry box. All materials are supplied for this workshop.
Drew Matott & Margaret Mahan continue to team up with art therapists at the Hines VA to conduct papermaking, bookbinding and printmaking workshops for veterans.
Art in Response to Violence Conferences encourage understanding toward the role art plays as a facilitator of transformation. Drew & Margaret will discuss contemporary applications of traditional hand papermaking in the context of their current work in the United Kingdom with ex-military and survivors of terrorism.
Also, the pair will engage attendees with an interactive demonstration of pulp printing and subsequent workshop. All will be welcome to create a pulp printed broadside, and to experience the technique first-hand.
UWM Libraries Special Collections consists primarily of rare and special printed materials that hold long-term, historical research potential for UWM academic programs. The collections support a broad range of research and teaching activities in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
The library is hosting Drew & Margaret for a short residency in the book arts print shop, as well as classroom visitations, a community lecture and papermaking workshop.
The mission of the ESU Graduate Art Therapy Program is to prepare exceptional graduates who think purposefully, creatively, and ethically about the psychological constructs involved in the art making and reflection processes.
Margaret Mahan & Drew Matott will be conducting a one-day papermaking workshop with Art Therapy & Counseling students. Students will learn about Drew & Margaret's many collaborations with art therapists and will make paper from their own clothing.
KidsTLC provides children with a continuum of care through innovative and successful psychiatric treatment, community outreach, outpatient behavioral health, autism and wellness programs. Services are focused on evidence-based therapies and trauma-informed care, with a strong emphasis on family wellness and preserving the family unit.
For the second year in a row, Drew Matott & Margaret Mahan are teaming up with the Art Therapists and staff at Kids TLC to conduct two-days of transforming personal clothing into paper and books with children who have been abused, abandoned, homeless or neglected.
As part of UMKC's visiting lecture series, Drew Matott & Margaret Mahan will discuss contemporary applications of traditional hand papermaking in the context of their recent work in the United Kingdom with ex-military and survivors of terrorism; with survivors of sexual violence and their allies through their project Panty Pulping/Underpaper; and in the United States with returning US veterans with Veteran Paper Workshop. They will share their strategies for collaborating with community leaders and art therapists to establish paper centers for healing populations. They will elaborate on the mechanics of pulp printing, its immediacy, and its function of empowerment in workshops with survivors of trauma and in the public sphere in papermaking interventions.
Mahan and Matott will engage attendees with an interactive demonstration of pulp printing. All will be welcome to create a pulp printed broadside, and to experience the technique first-hand.
Margaret and Drew will lecture on how they use papermaking as a tool for social action and healing with veterans, art therapists and survivors of terrorism in the UK.
In honor of his wit and wisdom, the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library champions the literary, artistic and cultural contributions of the late writer, artist, teacher and Indianapolis native Kurt Vonnegut. The library/museum serves as a cultural and educational resource unique to the nation.
Honoring Vonnegut's military service, the library is hosting Veterans Reclaim Armistice Day; a series of panels, artist talks, creative writing and papermaking workshops aimed at helping veterans express themselves as poets & artists. Malachi Muncy will be working with veterans to reclaim their military uniforms by transforming them into paper art.
In conjunction with the Healing Threads exhibit, Margaret Mahan, Malachi Muncy & Drew Matott conduct a week-long workshop for military veterans, their families and friends at the Salina Art Center.
Founded in 1923, Texas Tech University prides itself on being a major comprehensive research university that retains the sense of a smaller liberal arts institution.
The Military & Veterans Programs, Women Studies and Museum of Texas Tech are hosting Rachel Mims, Margaret Mahan, Hamida Khatri and Drew Matott for a week of Veteran Papermaking & Panty Pulping workshops for students, staff and Lubbock community members.
Malachi Muncy is facilitating a three-day Veteran Paper Workshop in historic Chillicothe, OH. The workshop is intended for veterans, their friends and families. The event is being graciously hosted by The Pump House Center for the Arts and Dard Hunter Studios.
Margaret Mahan is being hosted as a Visiting Artist by the Freshman Experience at Montserrat College of Art. She will give a talk detailing her international work using papermaking as a form of social action, followed by a Panty Pulping workshop, where students will be transforming their underwear into paper art.
Care Giving/Care Taking is a community engagement that focuses on artmaking as transformational healing. The project is a collaboration between Carol Young Gallagher from Emrys and Perry Correctional Institution, Rensing Center's Executive Director Ellen Kotchansky, Peace Paper Project's Co-director Drew Matott, Fine Arts Center in Greenville and area care providers.